Warchyld- my experience is that browsing doesn't really work with PC's. Yeah, you would figure it would be easy for Apple to figure out. Oh well.
Dodge20 - As far as I know, Samba doesn't support the resource fork, which tells the mac how to use the file. You can drop those files on an...
MTU setting at 1492... I would have guessed 1491.
Yes, hburpee- I would have expeced that at the top of Verizon's list.
I did get my friend up and running about a week ago and forgot to post my results. I set the DSL modem to bridge mode and things seemed to work fine using the original DLink...
I have run into the same exact problem you are describing. I got a router for my friend as a gift and it didn't work right- most pages would load, but some (like yahoo mail) would not. That was a D-link router. I then moved to a Netgear- same results. NOw I have a Linksys because...
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