Thanks for your replies I will have a look this morning.
The report looks like this
Benefits Courses Advertised 2 Percent Cancelled 50%
Courses Cancelled 1...
Not able to sort on formula field
I am basing a report on a one long spread sheet Called 'course' it is laid out like this.
ID Course_Title Attendees Location
1 Benefits 1(x) Bimrmingham
2 Wages 3 London
3 Wages 5 Bristol
4 Pension...
Just wanted to know if there was an easier way of
selecting records in a parameter query with a ref no that has leading zeros. So the parameter can accept 000035356
or 35356.
What I have done is listed below
In Record Select Formula Editor I have this:
{Contact.ref_num} like...
Thanks I really appreciate both replies, they have given me ideas for other reports. The second reply has worked really well, how can I thank you, yesterday I was way down now I am up there.
I have tried the answer. If I left-outer-join course and event onto contract then include in the report as you say all contacts are shown and only events and courses where equal. But when I select on event and course, it shows just one record, that record of the person on a course who has also...
I have been working with Crystal Reports for 6 weeks
I have three tables, Contact, Event and Course. Contact is a foreign key in Event and Course. Some Courses have events associated with them. I need to select an event and find out which students are not booked on a course that is...
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