I used a query in VB with an access form as the front end to create a report...I have modified it to try to make it work in SQL Server...it is returning too many fields though currently.....
Select dev.KinderNumber,dev.Client,dev.MFG,dev.FAMILY,dev.Intro_Date,dev.FIXTURE,dev.Dimensions_HWD...
I have a form that I am trying to set up to clear the previous fields....after use currently the user has to go and delete the previous search criteria
??? I tried to copy the SQL that ACCESS created for my query but its giving me nothing but problems...
here is the format I am using in my query...
[Forms]![Product Development Search Form]![cboprofam] Or NZ([Forms]![Product Development Search Form]![cboprofam],"") = ""...
Below is my code to give me a PAGING type form...I currently have a form with text and combo boxes that pass parameters to a query and it works fine...the problem is the output only returns one item per page....I solved this by using my paging code for this form...but I want to set it up so a...
MPASTORE....your solution worked!
thank you....now I am trying to add a left or right join to see all the PICTURES in the picture table regardless of the information in the DEV table.....SO I want to keep the SQL statement the same but I need to add the JOIN into it
Source = "select...
Yes....I am using a right join Now the reason I was omiting fields because I had the # set to 8 per page but only have 5 boxes to display pics. so each page was omitting 3 records......3 * 60 pages is alot of missed errors....I am using DB pix as my picture manipulater for Access but I will soon...
I have a form that through VB code loads information from 2 tables in a WEB or Paging style format..
Basically one table is nothing but pictures with basic information and there are various pictures for each "ID" number because of revisions to te product design.
the other table is a...
here is my code and it works fine as is:
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
.PageSize = 8
.ActiveConnection = cn
.Source = "SELECT * From Development, developmentpictures"
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
get ready for this beast.......
SELECT Development.[Revision A cad], Development.[Revision A], Development.[Kinder Number], Development.Date, Development.FAMILY, Development.FIXTURE, Development.[Active/Obsolete], Development.[RND #]
FROM Development
WHERE (((Development.[Revision...
Well I have the query linked to a form that I search by 6 different criteria....
I am using this form for each criteria.
[Forms]![Product Development Search Form]![cbopstat] Or NZ([Forms]![Product Development Search Form]![cbopstat],"") = ""
but I am wanting to add...
Won't that return every value...I simply want the boxes that dont need to be used or not needed for that particular search to be NULL or Ignored....So only the items that meet the specified criteria are returned.....
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