---TO: LBASS----
In my main report my parameter is only the transaction date. If I input a parameter date 06/15/05 the result of the vessel should be: GIRALDA, MEDINA, KOHFU.
I link the parameter date to my subreport date but how can I get or use the following vessel in my subreport?As of now...
hi, im using crystal 8.5 and i want to use my shared variable from my main report formula to my sub report. My report is to get the vessels in a day. For example:
Parameter Date: 06/15/2005
Return Value of Vessel should be: GIRALDA
Peter, the given data are the following:
PHDep Time = 16:00
Start Time Loading = 20:00
its a 24 hour format or military time
What is the time difference between them? I need formula? DateDiff need a date data. The only given data is time.
I need help on how to compute the total hours from packing house to start loading time to vessel. Below are the data given:
GroupHeader1 = PackingID
GroupHeader2 = TruckNo
PH departure = 16:00
Start Loading Time to Vessel = 18:00
What will be the difference from PH Dep to Start...
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