Thank you very much WildHare...I did as you said in the first suggestion and it is working fine. I didn’t use reports because I wanted all the information to be in the same page and that will be easy for the user to navigate through, I used the report to print the data.
Hello everyone
I created subforms from queries so that the queries will appear in the subform, the problem is that I am afraid that the user might write something in the subform and that might affect the queries and the form will give the wrong result or miss up the database and thequeries, so...
hello guys
I am using Access office 2000 and I want to set up a parameter query to search for the first part of any post code, the post code is written like (W2 4JL) and I want when I enter the first part of the post code (W2) be able to get the whole post code, I want to use parameter and I...
thank you Xlbo
but what about the other If Rank which says
Case Is >15. 26 is more than 15
that what confused me...
so should I ignore the other part of the code?
thank you
Hello everyone
Can anyone explain this VBA code to me please?
Function GiveColour(Years As Integer, Rank As Integer) As String
Select Case Years
Case Is>25
If Rank=12 Than
Else: answer=”Black”
End If
Case Is>15
If Rank<21 Than
thank you guys for your help. I decided to copy the tables and the forms to anther new database, when I did this it worked without any problem and I could save my work ;o)
about the code
set dbMine = Nothing
could you tell me where to put please JoyInOK.
this is a great website
Whenever I want to update my database I can’t save any changes to it and I got this message "you don’t have exclusive access to the data base at this time".or you can't save. anther user has the file open and i must have exclusive access to the file
Anther icon appears in the desktop...
Whenever I want to update my database I can’t save any changes to it and I got this message "you don’t have exclusive access to the data base at this time".or you can't save. anther user has the file open and i must have exclusive access to the file
Anther icon appears in the desktop...
I am using Access and this VBA code
Cancel = False
If ([Type] <> "Cruiser") Then
MsgBox "Error You can only use Centaur Or Cruiser in this Route”
End If
i want the code to give error message if the user enter Cruiser or Centaur i tried with (Or) but did not work. i used the (,)...
Thank you for your reply
To be honest I tried to do it but I wasn’t sure where to put it, should i put in event of the (date of next service) in Before Update or On Enter
I am new to Access as you see thank you for your help Billpower i appreciate your help and i will be happy if you showed me...
I want to create a form of bus maintenance record, and this record must indicate clearly the date of the last and next service inspection, I have table of the maintenance schedules and I know for example that bus A must be serviced once every month, so I want when I put the date of the last...
Thank you for your reply
I am new to access and I thought that the vba codes is the only solution for this
I will explain more
I want to create a form of bus maintenance record, and this record must indicate clearly the date of the last and next service inspection, I have table of the...
I want to create a maintenance record for buses (for example). for some buses the maintenance is once every month and some is once every fortnight. What I want is, when I enter the last date that the bus was serviced, the next maintenance date appears automatically.
Please help me
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