Just an FYI .. I had requested further clarification from our BO rep on 8/4. Haven't got a response back. My guess is (as another poster eluded to), that BO doesn't completely understand the licensing themselves. When (if?) I get a response, I will certainly post it here.
Here is an email thread from our BO Acct Mgr, regarding the CLA:
From: Ronald Buckley [mailto:Ronald.Buckley@businessobjects.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 9:55 AM
To: Levine, Gary
Subject: Opinion on CLA
Hi Gary,
Below is the response I got from my training dept.
To clarify the...
We are an ISV that sells an application to insurance companies and uses Crystal for reporting. I became aware of this issue via Ken H.'s newsletter (Thx Ken!). At first I figured it had no application to my company, since we teach "private" classes to users of our software. These classes...
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