I'm investigating if (and how) TCL/Tk could be used as web service using the TCL web server.
The problem is, I cant get Internet Explorer 6 to use the TclPlugin2.0 (the only version I know about). When I load a html-page with <EMBED script="text.tcl" type="application/x-tcl"...
I have been looking for a random generator in TCL/Tk but I cant find anyone.
Is there other packages that provide one or is it possible to call for the C-functions: seed() and rand()?
Greetings all! This is my first post.
I have just started to learn TCL/Tk and im working on my first program, a character generator for D&D. This program will have several labelframe's in the main window. My question is: is it possible to put a background image in the main window, behind all...
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