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Search results for query: *

  1. SunnyByfleet

    Dynamic Query to List of Values

    http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqldriverforphp/thread/0e2a6caa-2fc6-49ca-a93d-bb0b4d78a042/ This link indicates that multiple queries are definately allowed. You might find it useful.
  2. SunnyByfleet

    Problem running PHP EXEC function under Plesk.

    Well I went through the Plesk online help system, and it turns out that there is a page where you can turn safe mode on or off. It seems to operate independently of any ini settings and override what phpinfo thinks the value is set to. I disabled it there and rerun your test script. Sure...
  3. SunnyByfleet

    Problem running PHP EXEC function under Plesk.

    Thanks for the help. Its appreciated. This is what I get. I also tried doing kill that way: [root@xxxxxxxx ~]# php -r 'exec("/usr/bin/ls",$o);print_r($o);' sh: /ls: No such file or directory Array ( ) [root@xxxxxxxx ~]# php -r 'exec("kill -l",$o);print_r($o);' sh: /kill: No such file or...
  4. SunnyByfleet

    Problem running PHP EXEC function under Plesk.

    Right, I tried kill -l and I get exactly the same result. However, if I connect by Putty and type that on the command line I do indeed get a list of what I presume are signals. Perhaps it would help if I explained my environment. I am using a virtual linux server hosted on 1&1. It is running...
  5. SunnyByfleet

    Problem running PHP EXEC function under Plesk.

    Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I ran your code and get the following: SYSTEM: EXEC: ( exitcode : 127 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Array () According to a quick google, exitcode 127 means file not found. Is there a linux command I can...
  6. SunnyByfleet

    Dynamic Query to List of Values

    Ah ok, never used virtual tables. I would suggest however that while you are trying to get it to work you strip it to a bare minimum, and create a virtual table with a single row. If nothing else it will make it easier for other people to follow. Also, you seem to be sending multiple queries...
  7. SunnyByfleet

    Dynamic Query to List of Values

    Never used sqlsrv but in mysql an error like that indicated that there wasn't any data to return.
  8. SunnyByfleet

    Problem running PHP EXEC function under Plesk.

    If I run the following script on my Plesk 10.2 linux server: $c = system("ls"); echo "<br />SYSTEM: ".$c; $out = array(); $d = exec("ls",$out); echo "<br />EXEC: ".$d; echo "<hr /><pre>"; print_r($out); echo "</pre>"; I get nothing. Well, I get the following: SYSTEM: EXEC...
  9. SunnyByfleet

    Jquery / Javascript function scope dilemna with dynamic content.

    and thank you for replying, by the way!
  10. SunnyByfleet

    Jquery / Javascript function scope dilemna with dynamic content.

    Ah, I shrunk my example down too much. In the full code, init_demo does a lot more work, and stores data in an array. My problem is, if I take the show function outside of the init_demo function, I no longer have access to that array. I need to either be able to access the array externally, or...
  11. SunnyByfleet

    Jquery / Javascript function scope dilemna with dynamic content.

    Hello, I am currently learning Javascript and as a project am writing a lightbox using exist examples. I found one such in the JQuery cookbook, which works well. However, I wanted to add thumbnails to the box, for multiple images. These would be generated on the fly, and have onclick events...
  12. SunnyByfleet

    Office 2003 in a Windows 7 world

    Sorry but having to rotate a monitor in order to work with a software "feature" is not a solution. My question is this. Does anybody actually like the 2007 interface?
  13. SunnyByfleet

    How do I export an XML unicode file from Excel 2003?

    I have the XML addin which lets me convert a range into an xml list. I can then go DATA -> XML -> EXPORT to save as an XML file. HOWEVER... Any unicode data gets converted to latin. How do I generate a unicode XML export file?
  14. SunnyByfleet

    Minimum spec for iphone app development.

    I am tipping my toes into iphone application development. I see that I need a machine running Leopard 10.5.7 in order to run the sdk, my question is this: would a G4 Mac with 1G Ram and 1.2Mhz processor be sufficient to run the SDK and the iphone simulator, or would it be a dog? My second...
  15. SunnyByfleet

    Blank line with FF and Opera. Oh the same of it.

    Well I could have done that, but it would have only worked in that instance. On my site, there are any number of elements that will be in the place of the H3. Using overflow: hidden on the container works on all of them.
  16. SunnyByfleet

    table css in one declaration

    I would use ids rather than classes, if you want each td to have a unique picture. What on Earth are you going to do with it anyway? For a template it sounds like it is going to be very specific.
  17. SunnyByfleet

    Blank line with FF and Opera. Oh the same of it.

    Thanks for the links. I've actually got that chap's book as well, so perhaps I need to reread it? It was indeed a rogue H3 at work and margin collapsing. From what I read there are various possible solutions to try: - Add a border (with a border the two margins are no longer adjacent so don't...
  18. SunnyByfleet

    Blank line with FF and Opera. Oh the same of it.

    I have a minor irritation on one of my sites. It renders fine in IE6 and 7, but inserts an extra blank link in FF and Opera. I have produced a skeleton bit of code below which demonstrates the problem. it is self contained, and if you run it you should get the following in IE: Green body...
  19. SunnyByfleet

    CSS Order / preference confusion

    Hmmmm, now why didn't I think of that in the first place? I will give it a go. Ta That the trouble when you are learning stuff, you can get wrapped up so much in the minutiae that you miss the bigger, more obvious picture.
  20. SunnyByfleet

    CSS Order / preference confusion

    No, you miss my point. Without the DIV table wrapper I introduced, the CSS couldn't accomodate the code generated, because other divs might be present. The server - client bit is not relevent. The same would apply if you just had an HTML file and copied a block of text into it.

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