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Search results for query: *

  1. marcela24

    How can I SPLIT a string into an array?

    Ooops! Thanks for your help. I´ve already did it!
  2. marcela24

    How can I SPLIT a string into an array?

    Hi. I want to split a string like this: '999 #998 #994 #', by the '#' character into an array, that in this case will have 3 positios. How can I do this? (Please describe all the comands, including the array declaration. I´m totally newbie in Fox Pro). thanks for your help.
  3. marcela24

    How to split string?

    How can i split a string by using a single character? Is there a function for that? For example: HOW-ARE-YOU-? I want to split this string in four words, using '-' as a separator. Thanks.
  4. marcela24

    How can I skip a line when I'm writing into a file?

    Iam writint some strings into a file, using the FWRITE() command. When Iam writing the last string in the line I use the FPUTS() and then i continue using the FWRITE(). Anyway the FPUTS() is not breaking the line. Do you have any other solution for this? Or, what´s wrong in what Iam doing? Tks.
  5. marcela24

    manipulating files - FWRITE

    I am trying to write a string into a file in my PC, using FOXPRO 2.6. My code is: _path = "C:\Projetos\SINTEGRA\Sinteg.txt" HANDLE=FOPEN(_path) if HANDLE > 0 BYTE = "HI!!!" =FSEEK(HANDLE,0) =FWRITE(HANDLE,BYTE) =FCLOSE(HANDLE) endif This code never enter in my IF. Iam sure...
  6. marcela24

    Select using a protected word

    I have a table that has a column called "status". I'm trying to select some fields of my DBF table through the Foxpro software. My select is something like this: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE STATUS = "" But I've noticed that it is returning all status situation. Maybe it's because "status" is a...
  7. marcela24

    2.6 - How can I convert a date time into an integer?

    Thanks guys! I'll try to use the sys(3) or sys(2015) because I want to have more than one record per day. I have a multi-user app but I'll try to use it anyway.
  8. marcela24

    2.6 - How can I convert a date time into an integer?

    Iam trying to create an index in Fox Pro. I found out that a good solution would be: create an index converting the actual sysdate to an integer. But I can´t find any function that does it. Can anyone help with this problem? Do anybody know how can i convert this or how can I create an index...
  9. marcela24

    How do i instantiate objects in the server side?

    I am implementing an instante messaging application using Java with Corba. I want my server to store the information about the users. When a Client run the application for the first time, he has to subscribe himself at first. This means that an new client object must be instantiated in the...
  10. marcela24

    Error in Client: NamingContextPackage.NotFound!!!

    Hi. I'm trying to execute a Hello World example in CORBA in Java. My server goes well, but my client is returning this error message: org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContext/NotFound:1.0 at...
  11. marcela24

    Continue executing main code after a modal JDialog was shown

    my main have this code: System.out.println("Before:"); celes.print(); cassino.print(); editor.editProperties(); System.out.println("After:"); celes.print(); cassino.print(); my "editor" class is a JDialog that was set to be...
  12. marcela24

    How do i open another page with onclick event in an ainput type=image?

    <input name=&quot;imageField&quot; type=&quot;image&quot; src=&quot;images/bt_adicionar.gif&quot; width=&quot;78&quot; height=&quot;18&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; onclick=&quot;location.href('cadastrar_usuario.asp')&quot;/> I want to open the page 'cadastrar_usuario.asp' in the same frame. But...
  13. marcela24

    Proc to copy records into the same table

    I have this procedure: CREATE PROC proc_copia_pontos AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @count INT, @i INT, @tab_ponto TABLE ( latitude nvarchar(200), longitude nvarchar(200), precisao INT, dtponto DATETIME, idpontoOrigem INT, flagCorrecao INT ) INSERT @tab_ponto SELECT latitude...
  14. marcela24

    What's the size of an array after split a string into it?

    I split a string and then store it into an array. How could i know the size of this array after that?
  15. marcela24

    What´s the error in my SP

    How can i make a transaction inside my procedure, because when it happens any error at the end of my code it still does the begining and insert in my data base. I want it to do nothing if something fails. How can i do this?
  16. marcela24

    What´s the error in my SP

    I have this stored procedure but it is wrong: I got this error message: Line 30: Incorrect syntax near '@id_ponto'. How can i fix that? CREATE PROC proc_grava_dados_sti @id int, @identificador varchar(200), @data datetime, @latitude varchar(100), @longitude varchar(100), @velocidade int...
  17. marcela24

    Servlets &amp; Java Package

    Iam trying to do a servlet that uses some java classes (all this java classes are into the same package) I did a servlet example and compile it into the directory classes, and it work fine. When i tryied do create a new subdirectory of &quot;classes&quot; and put all my java there and also my...
  18. marcela24

    Delete statement

    there's a big problem!!! tpoints ( id, lat, long, id_auto ) tauto ( id, name ) I want to stay with the 150 newest records from each auto. Sorry.
  19. marcela24

    Delete statement

    tpoints ( id, date, lat, long ) that´s the table.
  20. marcela24

    Delete statement

    I want to have in my table just the 150 newest records and delete all the rest. But my table is very big and ill declare a row count to do it in steps or it will fail. Does anybody know how can i do that?

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