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Search results for query: *

  1. MoGryph

    Character Code for Webding Character

    Locked: Ï or the character Ï Unlocked: Ð or the character Ð I see Ed's point on the cached images, but, WebDings (as far as I've read) has been included with IE since IE 4. Why not use it? Then, worry about caching the StyleSheet you're using to set the font style and size, not the...
  2. MoGryph

    RegExp - Negation confusion- won't work my way.

    Awesome! Yes, that worked perfect. JS apparently does accept the lookahead assertion. I know I could have created 2 RegExp expressions, and tested it twice, or even done it by checking : (expression.indexOf("openview") > -1) && (expression.indexOf("count") == -1) but I...
  3. MoGryph

    RegExp - Negation confusion- won't work my way.

    I'm trying to create a regular expression and having a ton of problems understanding how to get Negation to work correctly the way I need it to. I'm trying to do this using regular expressions in Javascript, but the format should be the same Here's a couple of samples of input: 1) openview 2)...
  4. MoGryph

    how to attach (bound) images to record ?

    This is an old thread, but I was hoping one of you might be able to help me out... I had figured out how to change the image On_Current a long time ago, but I have a different problem. I want to show my form, Continuous, but when I do, all images show up as the first image ( even though I have...
  5. MoGryph

    Remove a database icon from the workspace desktop.

    Does anyone know of a way, in Notes4.6, to remove the icon for a database from a users' desktop, using Lotus Script? I have a database, that's changing servers, and I don't want my users accessing the database that exists on the old server anymore. But, I don't want to remove the old database...
  6. MoGryph

    Easy way to check if Current user has Author access to a doc

    Does anyone know of any easy way (Lotus Script OR @Function) if the current user is a member of an author's field? I admit, if it were just Names in the Authors field, that would be one thing, but I'm including Names and Roles in that field. Just checking @IsMember/@IsNotMember of @UserRoles...
  7. MoGryph

    It is possible to resize of a picture into a RichText Field with LS ?

    I don't have the capablities of creating/testing web-pages for my LN databases, but here's a guess. I know that in the body of your forms, you can place HTML tags. Have you tried sticking HTML tags into your richtext field, before and after the image, and see if that will change it? With HTML...
  8. MoGryph

    more than one address in send mail change automatically the first

    That sounds really strange Kattor, do you have a modified Notes Mail template? I'd replace the template of your database with the one on the server. If that's the problem template, I'd look into getting the correct one from Lotus (Perhaps the install CD's? - I don't know, I don't do...
  9. MoGryph

    stop deleletion

    Ooops, GOOFED! Don't believe that first code block, it's wrong (Source is not a NotesUIDocument as I had planned. heh, serves me right for not testing!) Anyhow, this would be your first block, to dis-allow ANYONE from deleting a document of type "formName": Sub...
  10. MoGryph

    stop deleletion

    Ooops, GOOFED! Don't believe that first code block, it's wrong (Source is not a NotesUIDocument as I had planned. heh, serves me right for not testing!) Anyhow, this would be your first block, to dis-allow ANYONE from deleting a document of type "formName": Sub...
  11. MoGryph

    stop deleletion

    Hello newt3! What you're going to have to do is put some code in your Database Script (Under Design....Other) for the QueryDocumentDelete code. The first thing you have to determine is... how you want to determine which documents do and don't get deleted. If they're based off a certain form...
  12. MoGryph

    Many-to-Many relationships

    Yeah, I found this to be a really confusing topic when I first started trying to work with Many to One to Many relationships in Access. What the weird thing is, is that once you've figured it out, it seems like you no longer understand why you couldn't before, and you don't understand what was...
  13. MoGryph

    Code not cancelling all events.

    Handbooks are okay, but you'll learn over time either way. Just keep digging in the Microsoft Access Help, and the examples that it contains. Another powerful source of information is the Object Browser. You'll find loads and loads of information (overwhelming at times) to satisfy your...
  14. MoGryph

    Loop trough a recordset

    GK22: The problem with your count, is that you have to decide on how you want the numbering to go. If you want a unique number in there, you might as well just add an AutoNumber field to your table, and set your caption to this. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you want your numbering to go. Do...
  15. MoGryph

    Code not cancelling all events.

    Wow! You have alot of extraneous code, friend. I'm not sure why you're using all the extra Eval's. I took the liberty to chop down your code and re-write it for a BeforeUpdate event, as per Craig's suggestion, and tested it (duplicating your form and field name.) It works. Here's what I came...
  16. MoGryph

    ADV Subject: Getting VBA Module USING Code

    Ah... Well, your question answered mine! I hadn't known about the existance of the Modules Collection. And I thought I knew a little something about Access! heh 80) I guess I hadn't poked around enough (nor browsed the Object Library enough.) And after looking at it, I realize how easy that...
  17. MoGryph

    ADV Subject: Getting VBA Module USING Code

    Anyone know how to read/decompile a module's code, using code? I recognize that the MSysModules2 table contains the information about my modules, and there's a field called "Module", but it's in LongBinaryData. I exported the data from one, and have NO IDEA how to read it (yeah, it's...
  18. MoGryph

    How to find Foreign key & primary key relationships in Tables?

    Palani: Want to easily see any of that information, in a query that you can make reports on? Here's what I do in Access 97. Probably the same names and such for 2000, but I can't be certain just yet... This SQL statement should give you a listing of all your relationships for a database...
  19. MoGryph


    Hey Karloz- Hey, here's something else you might want to look at... I don't use Access2000 too much, so didn't know the function existed. (Perhaps it exists in 97 too, but that's at work, and I'm home now). MUCH faster revision, using the REPLACE() function. Check it out in Access97, it might...
  20. MoGryph

    Can I use wildcards in FileCopy

    CptTom: I'm pretty sure you can't use the FileCopy function in that manner. You can use it to copy all the files from one directory to another (using the wildcards for Source), like this: strSource = "C:\Data\*.dat" strDestination = "c:\complete\" FileCopy strSource...

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