Skip... I was not totally aware that "In" produced distinct results only but it does make sense... thanks for your alternate solution.. it does work but it is unfortunately very slow considering the amount of data and time frame I am searching. Lbass' solution works for me using Table.field IN...
Hello all...
I am using Crystal reports 2011. I have a range of string values for example C00* to C43* that I need to capture. "IN" alone does not seem to get them all(ie. Table.field IN 'C00*' to 'C43*'). It seems to stop at C43 with out picking up any values such as C43110. IS there any way to...
Lbass... I believe this will do it! Thank you sir for your kind, professional, patient, instructional, and expert assistance! They will have to pick through the results carefully to get the exact records they want because of the possibility of multiple visits and accounts but this will produce...
The medical record number is unique to each patient. I have used it as the grouping field here. Patients also will have a visit number that is unique for that visit. All unique visits for a patient regardless of type or reason point to his\her medical record number... ie:
MR# M003516789 John...
Thanks again for your assistance...
Here is my current record selection:
{TSM180_MST_COD_Pat_Type.cod_dtl_ext_id}in['CCCCS','ER'] and//Cancer Center Patients, ER Patients
Here is the group selection (grouped on Medrec #...
Thanks lbass for your quick response... Yes there can be more than one of each date for both ONC (CCCCS) and ER visits. I have included some sample data below... apologize for the formatting but not sure how to make it display right on the forum here. For privacy sake there are no names. Med rec...
Good day to all,
I am using Crystal 2011 with SQL database. I have historical visit data on patients. I want to pull patients that have a patient type of "ONC" if they came to the ER (patient type "ED") within 30 days following their "ONC" visit. I was thinking I might have to do a main and a...
Hello all,
I am using Crystal 2011 with an Access 2010 database. I would like to know if there is a way that I can take a list of people and break them up easily from top to bottom into 10 even classes. The problem is that the total number of people is not known until registration is done, so...
Thanks Brian... sometimes it's just best to "Old-School it" I guess... dropped the tables in there I needed twice and pulled it that way. I would like to know if it's possible to do it the other way just for my own knowledge. Thanks for your help!
Hi Brian... thanks for responding... the shared variables cannot be evaluated in the general select(must be evaluated later message). There is no subreport. I use the shared variables in order to get both insurances on the same line. All the insurances are in the same table. I am trying to do...
Good day all,
I am using Crystal 2011 with a SQL2008 DB. I will try to explain my problem. I am pulling insurance info on patient accounts using shared string variables to extract the Primary payor ({@primary}) and the secondary payor ({@secondary}). The report is grouped on invoice number and...
It seems to be working as follows... If the user has entered 2013 then {?Fiscal Year} = 2013. The If statement will not work because it is not true. Somehow {FISCAL_PERIOD.fis_yr} has to be set to equal {?Fiscal Year} - 1 before it is compared in the If statement. I do not think the If statement...
Hello Pete and thanks...
Your formula for {@CurrentYear} works just fine. However the formulas for the previous years do not because the value of {?Fiscal Year} is still set to whatever value the user entered to start with. This "If {FISCAL_PERIOD.fis_yr} = {?Fiscal Year} - 1" does not change...
Thanks Pete... I will try to make this clearer using the example below. The user is prompted for a {?Fiscal Year}and a{?Fiscal Period}. If he enters 2014 for the year and 3 for the period then the record select will grab the period balances for the first 3 periods in 2014 in the detail section...
Thank you for replying... here is my current select statement:
{FISCAL_PERIOD.fis_yr} = {?Fiscal Year} and
{FISCAL_PERIOD.ped_no} <= {?Fiscal Period}
As mentioned this will get me the balances from the Period Totals table {PERIOD_TOT.ped_bl} based on the user input. If the user inputs period 3...
Hello all...
Using Crystal Reports 2011 and SQL2008 DB.
I have built a report that prompts for Fiscal year(?FiscalYr) and Period(?FiscalPd). Fiscal periods are 1 through 12. Based on the period selected the select formula({FISCAL_PERIOD.ped_no} <= {?Fiscal Period}) grabs the balance for each...
Thanks Pete! I already tried what I posted above and it worked perfectly sir! Your solution was spot on. Thanks to Ian and Fisher as well for helping with the thought process here. Just for the record I could have added 2 new groups for height and weight based on encounter ID for each, sorted...
Pete!! You nailed it! Worked like a charm. Now I've discovered I have the same issue with weight... the only difference is the table name. So if I wanted to incorporate weight into this would I just copy this, change the table from height to weight, and append it to this using "and"??
Sorry Ian.. I'm sure I am not following correctly. Left join on the height table is correct. I then do a group selection formula like so:
If isnull({t_ptheight.encounter_id})
Then 0
else {@Height}
When I try to save it I get "The result of the selection formula must be a boolean".
I tried...
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