I done an Epos project at college back in 99 using VB 5.0, and your right it's so much better, you have far more control and can spend your time writing routines rather than do battle with Access and it's quirks. I used Access to create my tables but used VB for the front end.
I was a lot...
Hi James
Thanks for the reply and the code. I haven't tried it out yet due to the company I've developed the database for getting shirty about payment, so I may not be using Access for much longer.
The fact that Access is not doing what it should is kind of bugging me. We shouldn't have to...
The validation rule and text are stored in the table, this info is pulled over automatically by access in the controls properties of the form.
It does the same thing when entering data directly into the table (in the backend).
My validation text only appears when I enter something in the...
Can somebody tell me why when entering a new record onto a form if a Required field does not meet it's validation rule Access does not display the Validation text but displays it's own 'user unfriendly' message.
The database is split.
I found a solution.
I create a dummy record in a table only used for this purpose, I added this table to my original query, this then allows me to use the fields from the dummy record in my final report. When the user prints the quote I store all the unbound Product Names in the dummy record...
Thanks for the support Maquis.
I think the real problem lies in the fact that I've only been using Access for a few weeks. I'm designing a database for a new company that a friend of mine works for.
Not having a good foundation in using Access and using VBA is causing me problems. I'm sure...
My fault this time not explaining the following
My product table is made up of 3 fields
1. ProductID
2. Product Code
3. Product Name
My form has 20 combo box fields for the user to enter up to 20 products to quote.
When the user selects a product from the combobox all the combobox displays...
Sorry you've lost me.
What would be the point of basing my report on the products table?
My report is based on my Quotations table, which holds 80 fields for the user to enter up to 20 products, qty, Price $, Price £.
On the Quotation form I have 20 combo boxes that allows the user to select...
I have a quotation form that allows the user to enter up to 20 products (20 corresponding fields numbered "FieldName" + 1 to 20) from the products table onto the quotation form/table.
In the form I use Dlookup to display the product name into a text box that is only for screen...
Yep, I was trying to print just one record from a table directly from VBA code, but it does seem it is not possible.
So I guess I better get to grips with Access reports and hopefully it will allow me to achieve the result I'm looking for. It's a bit more involved than printing fields from one...
Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't answer my question.
I want to do my own printouts using VBA code, NOT use Access Reports.
I've done it in VB, but I'm coming to the conclusion after 2 days of forum searching, web searching, PC World Books, library etc etc that VBA does not offer this...
In Visual Basic I can print directly to the printer with the following code
Printer.Print "This code will print this text"
Can someone tell me if there is equivalent code to do the same in VBA?
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