Mike, thanks so much for running that code! I really appreciate your taking the time to do that.
I guess there must be some further trick involved, because adding that attribute didn't hide the Method. I ran across the same code in a website provided by Nikita6003 (but didn't know what it...
Hi Nikki! What can I say? You have been so helpful! The links you forwarded were excellent - I was able to set up the NewEnum function with the correct procedure ID based on code in the vb2themax article:
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
That set up the For Each...Next capability...
Thank you so much for your replies!
Could I ask one of you a huge favor? I don't have a copy of VB6. If I could just see the code that VB adds when Hide this member and a Procedure ID of -4 are assigned to a method in the Tools, Procedure Attributes dialog, I'm pretty sure I'd have the...
How do you Hide a method and assign a ProcedureID in VBA?
Since VBA does not provide the Procedure Attributes dialog, what code is used to HIDE the NewEnum method and assign it the ProcedureID of -4 that For Each...Next requires to work?
I am trying to enable For Each...Next in a...
Hi Nikki,
Thanks for your reply. Well, good to know I'm not missing something really obvious. I'll have to dig around some more. It sure is a useful trick. Thank you again for your help!
take care,
Thanks so much, Nikki! Your method works perfectly, and I had no problems when recompiling the module.
I don't understand why they leave things like this out of VBA. I've only found a few things "left out" of VBA that you can do VB (there are probably many I don't know about...)...
In VB6, you can use the Procedure Attributes/Procedure ID to set a Property or Method the Default. How can you do this in VBA? Is there an API call (or set of calls) that can be used?
thank you,
Paul McCulloh
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