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Search results for query: *

  1. DavidArchibald

    Change Web Permissions from Same As Parent to Unique

    We have a development region and a production server outside the firewall. Both servers use Win2000/IIS5 and we use FrontPage to manage these particular sites. Because of the size of the site, we have sub-sites as webs within the parent. Problem: on the production server, I can't change the...
  2. DavidArchibald

    How to hide VTI files in search results using idq

    Hi there Keyword searching is not working so apologies if this has already been asked - I have checked. We are running Win 2000 with IIS and have a search form with an idq page and a htx template. The problem I have is that the vti files are being displayed in the results which is awful. I...
  3. DavidArchibald

    Strong style and linked text size

    I'm relatively new with CSS so apologies is this is obvious. We have a new site with defined styles for <p> and <a> and <div> style for strong. P and a text is displayed at 12 px while strong is displayed at 14 px. The problem is obvious - text that is strong and hyperlinked is displayed at...
  4. DavidArchibald

    Accessing a Report element in VBA

    I'm a newbie to Access VBA so apologies in advance if this is a bit of a dumb question. I have a value in a text field in a report - InvoiceNo and I want to use this to do some backend tidying up with VBA when the report is closed. How do I reference the variable? The Report name is [Print...
  5. DavidArchibald

    Where Statement with SQL Server Using Dates

    Bingo! First time. Thanks for your help.
  6. DavidArchibald

    Where Statement with SQL Server Using Dates

    Ahhhhhh, another fool who is struggling on this old chestnut! I have a Datetime field in a SQL Server 7 table with a valid date in US format eg 9/25/2002. The ASP/web server converts this to UK format (our locale format). Even when I convert the date to US format, the recordset is empty...
  7. DavidArchibald

    How to Show Detailed ASP script errors

    We have had problems with an IIS 5 site and were forced to delete the site and recreate the web and reapply the server extensions. However, we no longer get detailed VB script error messages when we write some dodgy ASP code! How do you set up the server to display detailed error messages?
  8. DavidArchibald

    How to bind a dynamic drop list to a table

    Hi there I have a form which all but one controls are bound to an underlying table. On the form I have two drop down lists. The first is a list of categories. The second is a list of subcategories. The Categories drop down is bound to the Categories field (surprise, surprise :). I've added...
  9. DavidArchibald

    How to Query a Disconnected Recordset

    OK, I should fess up that I've got this far thanks to an earlier post. However, I need another push to finish it. A quick overview: I've got a table of weekly results that provides (via a query) a summary ranked report using Group By. I've provided a form that allows users to add projections...
  10. DavidArchibald

    Allowing users to develop projections of a table using an ASP app

    Hi there At this stage, I'm looking for general ideas, not code, to solve my problem. I have an ASP web application with a MS 2000 Access database backend. The users can view a summary of results from over a number of weeks. The clients sees a view of the various tables based on a query...
  11. DavidArchibald

    Create a search form using ASP

    I want to create a search form using ASP which can be customised (we need to add some Javascript to the page displaying the results). The web is managed by FrontPage 2000 and the server is Windows 2000/IIS5. What's the best way to achieve a simple but effective search form that allows us to...
  12. DavidArchibald

    How to add image to bookmark icon

    I hope this is the right thread. I want to add the company logo to an image in the bookmark menu. My understanding is that this option is only supported by IE5. The question is how do I do it?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers David Archibald
  13. DavidArchibald

    Connecting to Access 2000 DB with Win 98/VB6.0

    Hopefully an easy one - I have a VB app that worked fine with an Access 97 DB but not with an Access 2000 DB - nothing else has changed. I think this is something to do with the Jet version - how can I set up VB so that this isn't an issue. I have installed Visual Studio SP3 - do I need to...
  14. DavidArchibald

    Writing Unicode Character to a Fle

    Hi There I am creating an application where a list of variables is written to a file separated by the following unicode value : &amp;#8232; &amp;#8232; Line Separator How can I write this to the file so the character appears?? I'd appreciate any suggestions - I have a feeling that it's most...
  15. DavidArchibald

    Save Excel values to a text file and send by email

    Hi there I have an Excel application which captures information from uses as stores these as variables. I would like to save these to a text file (using a separator) which I will then attach to an email. Two questions: 1. How can I save the values to a CSV type file? 2. Once I have my text...
  16. DavidArchibald

    Setting focus to a textbox on a form

    I'm being a bit lazy here ... the help in this forum has been excellent so far. I'd like to set focus to a textbox on a form when the page loads. I'd prefer to use ASP rather than Javascript. Is this possible? If so, how is it done? Cheers
  17. DavidArchibald

    Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

    I had a similar problem recently. It would help a bit if you could provide a bit more info about where the problem occurs ie Intranet server or Internet ISP server :) Whatever, the problem I had was caused by NT/permissions on the ISP server not allowing the db to update/insert data - data...
  18. DavidArchibald

    ODBC Driver Error 80004005

    Thanks to joeyh - the problem was permissions related in that I had been using dodgy MS FrontPage to publish the web which dealt with the file structure differently than expected. By using CuteFTP to FTP to the ISP, everything works as required.
  19. DavidArchibald

    ODBC Driver Error 80004005

    Thanks - although I now realise I haven't helped myself. The BD is actually Access 2000 (I've got different version of Access on two different development PC's). However, the version of DB may be a problem on the ISP's server. Thanks for your suggestion.
  20. DavidArchibald

    ODBC Driver Error 80004005

    I'd really appreciate some help with the following problem. I have developed and tested an ASP application (at home and work using PWS). I have published to the ISP and all is fine except the two scripts when data is saved to the DB! This is not exactly what I want. The full message is: MS...

Part and Inventory Search
