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Search results for query: *

  1. Drake12

    Alvarion or Breezecom Gear needed help

    Looking for a Breezecom/Alvarion BU DS.11d outdoor unit or someone that has used or knows these units. I have several RB DS.11d outdoor units and would like to know if I could just write BU DS.11d firmware to this unit? I know that sort of works on the pro.11 line but these units do not seem to...
  2. Drake12

    Form Variable

    TheAceMan1, thanks for the reply. I got a syntax error when I replaced CHAPPX with the code that you gave me. This is the end of the SQL for the query where CHAPPX is used. Also what do I put in for the row source for the text box I am using on the form? I just need the user to input a variable...
  3. Drake12

    Form Variable

    Well here is an update to the earlier post. I figured out a few things I was doing wrong and here is the updated code: Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim strReport As String 'Name of report to open. Dim strField1 As String 'Name of your Harvest field. Dim strField As String 'Name of your date...
  4. Drake12

    Multiple Combo boxes on one form

    I posted this over in reports but I really needed to post it here. What I am trying to accomplish is this: I need the user to input a date range, then pick a harvester from a list [HARV], and finally enter a decimal number which will be stored in [CHAPPXX] and used in a formula from the...
  5. Drake12

    Report Variables

    Well I will provide more code, but it is just not working. Maybe I should do this another way, but I do not know what that would be. Again I will try and explain a little better. First of all I will need the user to input a date range. Next the report will need to be sorted by Harvester [HARV]...
  6. Drake12

    Report Variables

    Yeah I do need a date range and it is working. I need to incorporate HARV into this code somehow. I need to select a value for HARV so the report will be sorted by DATE first then HARV. Then finally I want the user to input a CHARRX variable. Do I just create a new strWhere value or what is the...
  7. Drake12

    Report Variables

    I need to do a weekly report that need to include date ranges, make user select a piece of data from a field or basically sort the report by HARV, and do a calculation using a variable. I have done the date ranges before so they work, I chose a combo box to ask the user for certian data from a...
  8. Drake12

    Report based on single field

    Yeah that does the trick thanks so much.
  9. Drake12

    Report based on single field

    SELECT [Fruit Table].BLOCK FROM [Fruit Table] ORDER BY [BLOCK]; That is my row source propery. I was reading about DISTINCT statement, but really did not know if that would help or hurt in the future. Thanks
  10. Drake12

    Report based on single field

    Very nice, thank you. It would be nice if only one instance of each block showed up in the combo box. The table might have 200 A1's and 300 B1's etc... Is there a way just to show A1, B1, C1, and so forth so there will not be such a long list? Thank You
  11. Drake12

    Report based on single field

    Pretty new to Access so bare with me. Have a table of fields and I need the form to ask the user to print a report based on the "BLOCK" field. I would like a pull down type box that makes the user select from all the different blocks. I have created what I thought would work but it does not :(...
  12. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Just getting back to this project. Should I use my current code in an after update event of the combo box and add the code you listed? Or where should I use the code you list?
  13. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Private Sub cboBLOCK_Click() Dim strReport As String 'Name of report to open. Dim strField As String 'Name of your date field. Dim strWhere As String 'Where condition for OpenReport. strReport = "Block Summary Report" strField = "BLOCK" strWhere = "1=1 "...
  14. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Ah ok , yes I did try it and I get no errors yet I get no results either. I setup a combo box that relies on the table with the BLOCK field. The combo box has all the blocks on the selector that currently in the table. I created a command button with the code you provided and when I select a...
  15. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    dhookom, if you could tell me that once more .. I can only see "You must set the strWhere value prior to using it in the OpenReport line. Also, if there are no other" that much. Thanks
  16. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Well first of all this block form does not need to rely on date ranges it depends on block only. The control names or different blocks will be A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6, B1-B6, etc on through to the letter P. So there will be quite a few to choose from. So instead of dates to be entered I would like the...
  17. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Ok, so keep the same form just add this data to the already existing code? I need to report everything in Ax,Bx,Cx etc individually. It works, but it gives me all the blocks in the table instead of all the A's, B's, C's etc individually.
  18. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Ok, I understand the combo box methed but how do I go about telling the report to use the data? Use the Where string like you suggested earlier?
  19. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Well using http://members.iinet.net.au/~allenbrowne/casu-08.html is how I was using the date ranges. I would like to do the same with block. Just ask the user what block they want a report on. Thanks
  20. Drake12

    Report Sort/Filter

    Hello again, another quick question that has come about. I have a field that is called "Block". The data is A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2 etc...on down the line. I really like the code earlier mentioned that enabled us to put in date ranges and was trying to figure out a way to do the same type of search...

Part and Inventory Search
