Well its confirmed now, the Replace method of the string class wont replace escape sequences. The debugger told me it was char 10 and the below code proves it...
VideoFormat = VideoMode.ToString();//string with newlines
//the lines below dont work
//VideoFormat.Replace((char)10,' ')...
Well the Tostring() method returns a single string..It looks like this:
value1[small graphic of a box] value2[small graphic of a box]value3 [small graphic of a box] etc..
It's like displaying the ascii sybol for a newline or something
thanks for the response....
Im still racking the brain on...
I have an object whos Tostring() method returns 4 values that have a small graphic box after each value when displayed. I'm assuming this is the newline special character but I'm trying to remove/replace them and display the string as one sentence. How can I replace the graphic box or remove it...
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