Are you retrieving the values from a table where they are stored as currency values? If so I have had many problems with this in access. Now I always store currency values as a "Single" number and set the decimal places to 2. This means any calcs are pure number crunching where the...
I have had similar problems in the past - Double quote syndrome! Marquis's solution is very elegant and I use this method myself. So far it works every time for this particular problem. Here's a little additional info you might find useful.....
I also use the Instr funtion to determine if the...
I have since found the trick is to use Late Binding rather than Early Binding.
Here is the code that works a treat! I have marked the Binding methods so you can see the two side by side. By trapping the 429 error we can see if Outlook is installed on the target machine and proceed accordingly...
I have an Access database that imports Outlook contacts.
However some of the machines the program will be installed
on do not have outlook. Thus the reference to MSOUTL.OLB
(Microsoft Outloook 10 object library) is "Missing". I can
check to see if Outlook is installed and which...
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