I require a Help file similar to the ones found in the sample databases. They seem to be similar to the Form media.. but seem to resemble html as well? I looked through the directory in Access to see if files were attached.. but didn't notice any?? does anyone know how these files are...
i have a Library directory of sorts..
it has two fields, title, and Description that are of variable length (cant' seem to get a average to work)
so.. i was wondering.. when it gets to my report.
Is there a way to have a field display according to the data in it?
ie. if the title is very long...
i have a Library directory of sorts..
it has two fields, title, and Description that are of variable length (cant' seem to get a average to work)
so.. i was wondering.. when it gets to my report.
Is there a way to have a field display according to the data in it?
ie. if the title is very long...
Why won't this work?
Private Sub Command2_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSearchTitle", , , , , acDialog
End Sub
i want the form to close at the same time as it brings up the report. Or at least just after (either way, without user input).
I have a Search form, that is opened via a menu form button.
I would like the search form to only work once, then close.
IE.. after the user clicks "search", the form will open a Report, and then close itself.
Is this possible?
PS the report and all of the minor details is done.
qrySelection1 is utilized to filter the data table with the Catagorie* = yes.
for example if the user checks (on the form) CatagoryCodes, and CatagoryElectrical... they are both returned to the query as equal to YES
The query then filters the table of data for any records that match these...
This is the code behind the SEARCH button on my form.
the WHERE field contains all the optional query variables.
Each catagorie is represented by a check box in the Form.
Private Sub Command18_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSelection1", acViewPreview, qrySelection1...
I checked the Form props.. and.. it is not bound, nor are the check boxes.
code i used was..
in the OR Criteria fields in the query.
Again to all.. any help is greatly appreciated.
I have created a Form, with 8 check boxes that create a dynamic query that will allow the user to search a table for matching records.
The search works Wonderfully the first try... BUT... any additional search is returned with additional results (not correct).
If i close the form and open it...
is it possible to compile a single report with the entities found in two different reports?
also only include entities once in the final if they are found in both reports?
I want to complile a report with the results of TWO different queries?
Is this possible? haha OF COURSE!
but how do I do it!?
the deal is.. my query1 is using a variable search criteria.
and.. i want this search criteria to be searching two fields. But i don't want it to Require both...
YEAH!!! i did it!!
only pulled out half my hair!
the code was as follows if you care to know:
>>DoCmd.OpenReport "rptResults", acViewPreview, qryTotal, Title = txtSearchTitle
Well thats not quite wat i was lookin for i don't think.
but i managed to work it out.
my code was
like [txtSearch]
and.. i changed it to
like *&[txtSearch]&*
Thanks for your assistance tho!
hope this might help others too!!
I want to search a table for a variable, but.. i want to search it with the addition of wild cards
For example. if the user inputs "AND"
i want the variable to be saved as "*AND*"
i am thinking this is easy, But. i have no experience with Access and am having an absolutely...
I have a report that must be opened via the form.
The report itself works perfectly, asking for a parameter to querry the data with.
The code i presently have.. to open the report, causes it to open empty everytime, regardless of the parameter value.
Is there a simple code that i'm missing?
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