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Search results for query: *

  1. ClulessChris

    Determine if Excel doc is genuine MS or OOOXLS

    Is there a programmatic method to differentiate between files created by an MS program or a simulator such as open office?
  2. ClulessChris

    validate XML to XSD with MSXML

    I seem to have solved it, and it was thanks to strongm : "although I'd probably not bother with objXSD at all, and simply add the schema directly" Lessons learned: listen to any advice given, in full.
  3. ClulessChris

    validate XML to XSD with MSXML

    Many thanks, "urn:oecd:ties:fatca:v1" was indeed the namespace and specifying .6.0 ref has has given a fuller script error message: FatcaXML_v1.1.xsd#/schewma/complexType[4][@name= 'CorrectableOrganisationParty_Type']/complexContent[1]/extention[1]Undefined Undefined<complexType>...
  4. ClulessChris

    validate XML to XSD with MSXML

    Thanks again, I'll try it when I'm back in the office.
  5. ClulessChris

    validate XML to XSD with MSXML

    Strongm, Thanks for replying. I'm not sure I fully understand the concept of NameSpaces. As per the header in the OP would I need include multiple NameSpaces or just first? Also without the objXSD Wharf anything would be the second parameter fir the .Add method?
  6. ClulessChris

    validate XML to XSD with MSXML

    I'm trying to validate an XML against the XSD Schema. At the point of adding the SchemaCache I get the error Incorrect definition for the root element in schema. I may be completely wrong but I maybe missing a required namespace. I've having trouble understanding the MSXML model and I'm...
  7. ClulessChris

    dbl click autofit cells with line feeds

    Andy, many thanks. I did it with: ActiveSheet.Columns.AutoFit ActiveSheet.UsedRange.WrapText = True ActiveSheet.Rows.AutoFit
  8. ClulessChris

    dbl click autofit cells with line feeds

    a corporate system outputs data into an Excel spreadsheet. cell that have line feeds are displayed: aaabbb, but on double click the cell is expanded and displays: aaa bbb I've trying to replicate this for all used cells. A recorded macro shows: Range("A11").Select...
  9. ClulessChris

    XSD Restriction pattern

    Sorry I don't understand the question. A single hyphen is allowed, what do you mean 'pretend'?
  10. ClulessChris

    XSD Restriction pattern

    One further amendment. I found the pattern I posted last was restricting a hyphen by the end of the string. so I now have : <xs:pattern value="([a-zA-Z\s\d_\. !$%^*\[\]()_+={}|:;,?~/£€@\\]|-([a-zA-Z\s\d_\. !$%^*\[\]()_+={}|:;,?~/£€@\\]|$))+[-$]?"/>
  11. ClulessChris

    XSD Restriction pattern

    Fantastic! I've made a slight amendment to include characters I'd missed from the pattern in the OP and removed the anchors, but this seems just the ticket. <xs:pattern value="([a-zA-Z\s\d_\. !$%^*\[\]()_+={}|:;,?~/£€@\\]|-([a-zA-Z\s\d_\. !$%^*\[\]()_+={}|:;,?~/£€@\\]|$))+"/>
  12. ClulessChris

    XSD Restriction pattern

    atlopes, at first test that pattern works however, as k5tm points out it allows the unwanted characters to follow a hyphen. but it's still a step forward from what I had yesterday.
  13. ClulessChris

    XSD Restriction pattern

    Both, thanks for your input, this has taken up the majority of my day. K5tm, I tried grouping. several variations. I think it was the greedy " that was the route of my problem but I just couldn't find a way around it. atlopes, many thanks. I've left the office for the day but will give that a...
  14. ClulessChris

    XSD Restriction pattern

    Hi, I'm trying to write a regex pattern for my schema. I want to prohibit the use of certain characters ("&'#) & -- I have the following pattern that works to a point: [a-zA-Z\s\d_\. !$%^*()_+={}|:;,?~/£@\\]* I'm having trouble restricting the hyphen '-' to a single char as I need to exclude...
  15. ClulessChris

    Office 2013 Slow VBA

    Why is vba so slow to run in office 2013 when compared to earlier versions of office? I find everything much slower but more noticeable are routines in Excel. I've tried running the following first but get limited results in terms of speed. Function StopOperations() With Application...
  16. ClulessChris

    Regex pattern help

    Hi guys thanks for the time you've taken to respond. I've stuck with the second pattern I posted. This is to reduce the risk of matching errant strings such as UK postcode parts, and other random strings of the text I working with. I'm happy that this is now providing the required results...
  17. ClulessChris

    Regex pattern help

    Ok I seem to have found the answer with (Y00)([A-z]*\s|[A-z]*\.) however if you have any suggestions to improve this I'd be greatfull for your input. Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
  18. ClulessChris

    Regex pattern help

    I’m trying to count the number of personal titles in a body of text. Each title is prefixed with ‘Y00’. I use this regex pattern: (Y00)[A-z]*\s This works well to match the prefix followed by Alpha characters until whitespace. And so will match: Y00Mr Y00Miss Y00Prof However it misses the...
  19. ClulessChris

    Validating Date

    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/00wf8zk9(v=vs.90).aspx Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
  20. ClulessChris


    How about using Space()? Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!

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