I've looked through the doc's I've gotten off HP web site and don't see anything about configuring a loop back address to receive traps. Can you clarify?
Thanks in advance for the help, BTW.
I'm installing NNM 6.31 (with current patch) on a 2000 server. I'm trying to monitor some Win2000 servers. I've configured them with the correct snmp string via the services menu, stopped/restarted the services, booted the machines, etc.
When my NNM box attempts to contact a 2000 server via...
I'm install NNMS 6.31 (with current patch) on a 2000 server. I'm trying to monitor some Win2000 servers. I've configured them with the correct snmp string via the services menu, stopped/restarted the services, booted the machines, etc.
When my NNM box attempts to contact a 2000 server via...
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