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Search results for query: *

  1. ThinkGeekness

    MySQL table logging

    Thanks for your reply. Do you have any specific code that I can try? And for the logout, I have a logout script that actually logs you out, so that shouldn't be a problem. I am more worried about the logging of the changes and who logs in when. Thanks http://www.ThinkGeekness.com
  2. ThinkGeekness

    MySQL table logging

    Is there a way to output MySQL logs using php onto a page? What I want to do is have MySQL log whenever somebody makes a change to a table (does it by default do that?) and then output it using php. Here is what I am hoping for to be able to log: I have a cms where different users can edit...
  3. ThinkGeekness

    Edit Calendar Event

    Yes, that helps. I understand the idea of doing it, I now just don't understand how. I understand the PHP part, but not the Javascript. Any tutorials for this sorta thing? http://www.ThinkGeekness.com
  4. ThinkGeekness

    Edit Calendar Event

    have built a calendar based on php/MySQL. I am now designing the admin interface. I have already created the add event form, now I am stuck on the edit event form. I have a picture of what the form I want to look like at http://thinkgeekness.com/images/cap.jpg. Anyways, I want you to first...
  5. ThinkGeekness

    MySQL post install

    I just installed MySQL with Red Hat 9 (through the default rpm). What is the path to mysql and what is the default hostname, username (root?), and password (none?). Thanks http://www.ThinkGeekness.com
  6. ThinkGeekness

    CSS border question

    Thanks for your help :) http://www.ThinkGeekness.com
  7. ThinkGeekness

    CSS border question

    I have one last question and then I think that I am good to go. I have the css code: .bodyline { background-color: #000000; border-top : 1px solid #616161; border-bottom : 1px solid Black; border-left : 1px solid Black; border-right : 1px solid Black; } This code only does the outer...
  8. ThinkGeekness

    Picture not moving right

    No problem, it is more of a resolution problem than anything. On 1024x768 it looks fine, but on every resolution higher it looks like the picture at http://www.thinkgeekness.com/top_right_error.jpg. Thanks for your help though. What way would your recommend doing the header that I have? A...
  9. ThinkGeekness

    Picture not moving right

    Thanks for your reply, although that is not what I am looking for. I am not worried about the table with the text "layout coming along, as you can see". I am worried about the header. The top right image is not moving all of the way right. Thanks http://www.ThinkGeekness.com
  10. ThinkGeekness

    Picture not moving right

    Sorry, If I make the browser window smaller, it looks right. An example of what I am seeing with the browser window maximized is at http://www.thinkgeekness.com/top_right_error.jpg. Thanks http://www.ThinkGeekness.com
  11. ThinkGeekness

    Picture not moving right

    On my site, www.thinkgeekness.com, I have a picture that I want to move all of the way to the right of the table. For some reason, the picture isn't moving all of the way right. This is probably just a stupid error, but I can't figure it out! The picture is in the header, it starts the right...
  12. ThinkGeekness

    Three column site

    Thank you everybody who replied. I am buying that CSS book today. Thanks
  13. ThinkGeekness

    Three column site

    I want to have three a site with three columns (menu on left, content in the middle, and ads on the right). What would you say is the best way to do this? Thanks
  14. ThinkGeekness

    body { } css code

    Thanks, if I put: <link href=&quot;css_name.css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot;> would that have the CSS apply to the whole document?
  15. ThinkGeekness

    body { } css code

    I want to put the following in the body {} part of my CSS file. a:link, a:visited, a:active and p.margin. The only problem is, is that I don't do know to add this code in the body {} part... Whenever I add the brackets it ends the body code. Thanks
  16. ThinkGeekness

    Trying to get PHP4 installed, module problem

    I figured it out, it took awhile though. It was the src/Configuration file, I had to uncomment out all of the AddModule lines. Thanks
  17. ThinkGeekness

    Trying to get PHP4 installed, module problem

    Nope, it didnt work. I installed Apache with: ./configure --enable-module=most --enable-module=so --prefix=/usr/local/apache and it did not load any modules. I saw the modules being complied though, if that is as sign of anything. Maybe I have to manually add the modules? Thanks
  18. ThinkGeekness

    Trying to get PHP4 installed, module problem

    I am trying to install PHP4.3.1 on Apache 1.3.26. I originally installed apache by: #./install-bindist.sh When I tried to install PHP it said that I need to have Apache installed with: #--enable-module=so Okay, so I installed enabling module=so (with ./configure), but it didnt load any of my...
  19. ThinkGeekness

    cgi problem

    Nevermind, after all of this, it turned out to be the scripts, thanks anyways.
  20. ThinkGeekness

    cgi problem

    If this helps any, if I take out the AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl command it works (which I dont know why it wouldnt, it would treat it like a regular file.) But as expected, when I went to try the script, I got a 405 Method Not Allowed error. I dont know what else I can try... Any...

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