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Search results for query: *

  1. ryancomps

    VI Decryption

    Hi, If an encryption is done, by mistake, using the :X command in Vi, and the encryption key is unknown, is there any way of recovering the file? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  2. ryancomps

    How to get rid of link identifier.

    The above solution works perfectly with text, thanks, but if I have an image as a link then a box appears around the image. Any ideas on how to get rid of that?? Thank You
  3. ryancomps

    How to get rid of link identifier.

    This may be a question with a simple answer but I don't know how to do it. Using a style sheet entry I want to get rid of the link symbol (line under a link) that comes with the <a href=&quot;&quot;> tag. Thank you in advance for any replies. Ryan
  4. ryancomps

    print txt file

    This open a file called &quot;file.txt&quot; for writing to. Hope it helps, try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(&quot;/path_to_file/file.txt&quot;)); out.write(&quot;whatever&quot;); out.close(); } catch (IOException ie) { System.out.println(&quot;whatever&quot;); }...
  5. ryancomps

    substitute tabs

    I thought the same but it doesn't seem to work.
  6. ryancomps

    substitute tabs

    I don't know if this is possible but I hope someone can help me. I have a file read into an array. I want to replace every occurance of a tab (\t) with a space. Is there a pattern that represents a tab? foreach $line (@program) { $line =~ s/TAB-PATTERN/ /g; } Thanks in advance Ryan
  7. ryancomps

    Adding something to the end of a string ???

    If I understand your question correctly then this will work, $query2 .= &quot;,17&quot;; Ryan
  8. ryancomps

    Regular Expression

    If I understand your question correctly then I'm almost certain that the following will work. /interests_[1-9]/ There is no need for the .* but as I said I may have misunderstood your question.. Hope I've helped, Ryan
  9. ryancomps

    Auto Delete Files script

    See http://www.infocopter.com/perl_corner/scr-delete-older-than.htm I think that should do the job, Ryan
  10. ryancomps

    Printscreen on Unix

    Is there anyway of using print screen on a Unix operating system like you do in Windows? Any help appreciated, Ryan
  11. ryancomps

    Looking for a full stop in a variable!

    Try if(($FORM{'domain'}!~ /\./) && ($FORM{'tld'} eq &quot;.name&quot;)) { &error('.name domains must be in the format firstname.lastname'); } Don't see why that shouldn't work, Regards Ryan
  12. ryancomps

    Using If . . and ... or

    Try this, don't see why it shouldn't work, if (($FORM{'tld'} eq &quot;.co.uk&quot; || $FORM{'tld'} eq &quot;.org.uk&quot;) && ($FORM{'regtype'} eq &quot;new&quot;)) { &something; } Ryan
  13. ryancomps

    request URI Question

    Quick question and should be easy to answer. Suppose I am calling a cgi script (e.g. test.cgi) using the GET method. I want to pass it a string and an array $string = &quot;hello&quot;; @names = (&quot;mike&quot;,&quot;fred&quot;); I know to send the string I use test.cgi?string=$string...
  14. ryancomps

    Saving form data to a text file

    The following will also work, $address = $rememail; Ryan
  15. ryancomps

    Java GUI App Performance...It is Not Funny Anymore

    Myself and a colleague are currently developing a performance analyser for java. This is not designed to incease performance but rather highlight its bottlenecks and slowdowns. Don't know if this is any use to you but it will work for GUI applications once fully developed. Regards Ryan
  16. ryancomps

    perl/tk mainwindow position

    Thank you, You have saved me alot of surfing on the net.
  17. ryancomps

    perl/tk mainwindow position

    When I open a new mainwindow in perl/tk the position of this new window is randomly selected which doesnt look very professional, especially if its a prompt like &quot;Do you want to save?&quot;. Is there an option to specify the screen location of the window (Preferably in the middle of the...
  18. ryancomps

    javas Runtime.exec command

    I am calling a perl script from within a Java program using : Runtime.getRuntime().exec(&quot;<perl script>&quot;); The perl script is in turn calls a Java program (which works fine from command line). The problem is the perl script will run but it wont execute the java command in it? Can...

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