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Search results for query: *

  1. country73

    Button Value - HTA - Dynamic Table

    Thanks for helping out on the little "brain-fart" I had going on; working like a charm now. Nice to see you out and about on other forums; have you had any issues connecting to the other forum today? I was out there earlier, but then I started getting all sorts of ASP errors when trying to...
  2. country73

    Button Value - HTA - Dynamic Table

    Ok, I've created an HTA that will create a table dynamically from a text file. The text file will create a list of buttons to display, and depending on which button is pressed, the SUB will preform a specific action. (Install application, Run application, etc...) How do I pass the value of the...
  3. country73

    Using Mod for Odd/Even

    oddConditon = "ODD" if not (var1 mod 2) then if not (var2 = 1) then 'second variable is either 0 or 1 if not (var3 mod 2) then oddCondition = "invalid - must be all odd or even" end if end if end if evenCondition = "EVEN" if not (var1 mod 2) then if not(var2 = 0) then...
  4. country73

    Possible to Enumerate HKEY_USERS ??

    Found a solution; I'm going to first enumarate the registry keys in: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList From there I can grab each key that begins with S-1-5-21 and then use that to take care of the HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-...
  5. country73

    Possible to Enumerate HKEY_USERS ??

    We are currently upgrading our Exchange server from 5.5 to 2003; for about 150 individuals that connect via Citrix, the decision has been made for their Outlook profiles to be deleted so that they will be forced to recreate their profiles. Is there any way to Enumarate all of the keys in...
  6. country73

    Open an App (Word) then wait

    I believe it's supposed to be: objIE.AppActivate
  7. country73

    Login script - disable the close window/command prompt window

    I would first check into what markdmac has suggested, but if you run into issues, like I do here at my work, you can handle a time sych on a specific workstation by using "NET TIME". I found the best way to run this, remotely, is to use the pstools from www.sysinternals.com. The tool "PSEXEC"...
  8. country73

    Client side script posting to database

    To run this "clientside" you will just need to change the two SET lines to: SET conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") SET rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  9. country73

    Copy files from server to clients

    What you'll want to do is a FOR NEXT on that folder. SET G = oFS.GetFolder(<specified folder on server>) SET f = G.Files FOR EACH f1 in f oFS.CopyFile f1, <new location>,TRUE NEXT This will grab every file in that folder, no matter what the name or extension is, and copy them over.
  10. country73

    Copy files from server to clients

    On the Server, are these the only files in the specific folder you want to copy from, or are there other files in there that you don't want to copy?
  11. country73

    Login script - disable the close window/command prompt window

    Trailing \ missing - \\ade-storage\permanents\%username%\docs\ This will copy the folder "working documents" into the "docs" folder.
  12. country73

    Forcing CScript

    This is what I use in my scripts to force CSCRIPT CMD window visible If Instr(1, WScript.FullName, "CScript", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then oShell.Run "cscript """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """", 1, False WScript.Quit End If I usually run this with the CMD window visible, but you can change...
  13. country73

    Client side script posting to database

    SET conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" SET rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Names",conn sql="INSERT INTO Names (FirstName, Surname) VALUES ('Ed', 'Mozley')" conn.Execute sql rs.Close...
  14. country73

    Dynamic checkbox selection

    Oops! forgot these two lines in the "SUB Install_List(checkNum) SUB Install_List(checkNum) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT IF checkNum.Checked = TRUE THEN MSGBOX checkNum.Value END IF IF ERR.Number <> 0 THEN FOR i = 0 TO checkNum.Length - 1...
  15. country73

    Dynamic checkbox selection

    After further testing this would only work if only one checkbox existed. I had to switch those subs around so that it would work if there was only one, or there were multiples. Here is what I finally got to work out no matter how many checkbox's there were: SUB Check_M_All(checkNum) ON ERROR...
  16. country73

    Dynamic checkbox selection

    SWEET!!! Sorry for my ignorance on this simple problem. Haven't really used the "IsArray" much in my scripting. Will add that little bit to my "Helpful" Scripts for future scripting! Thanks,
  17. country73

    Dynamic checkbox selection

    What exactly do you mean? Use the IsArray inside of the Install_List SUB? If so, no I haven't tried that. How exactly should I use that?
  18. country73

    Dynamic checkbox selection

    I have an HTA that dynamically creates a list of checkboxes depending on what software needs to be installed on a machine. Everything works fine if there is more than one checkbox to select, but I get the following error message whenever only one checkbox is created: A Runtime Error has...
  19. country73


    You could just use the "SPLIT" function and split that line on the ",".
  20. country73

    Check for installed programs

    Const HKLM = &H80000002 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE strComputer = "." strKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" strEntry1a = "DisplayName" strEntry1b = "QuietDisplayName" Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv") objReg.EnumKey HKLM...

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