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  • Users: jn03
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  1. jn03

    Microsoft Cursor Engine error '80040e21'

    Never mind, I found out what was wrong. It was the select statement, it didn't like the alias. I removed the alias and it works. Thanks for reading. "select (bla...) as telephone_type
  2. jn03

    Microsoft Cursor Engine error '80040e21'

    Hi, I got this error from an ASP page when trying to update a recordset (here is how I opened it: rs.Open cmd, , adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic) -----ERROR ----------- Microsoft Cursor Engine error '80040e21' Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value...
  3. jn03

    Major Session problem - urgent help needed please

    Session_OnEnd is only fired when the session.abandon is called, ie when the session is ended. Closing the browser doesn't end the session since that action happens on the client side, so there is no way the server can tell, as a result your session is still there...
  4. jn03

    Data input and back button

    Thanks a lot for your reply. It works for me now, using my own back button.
  5. jn03

    Formatting text that is pulled from a DB

    Use textboxes with textmode="multiline". That will work.
  6. jn03

    Data input and back button

    Hi all, I have a form where users can enter some data and then submit. When they hit the browser's back button, I would like them to see the data they have entered and edit it. But, when they hit back, all the data in the textboxes is gone. How can I make the browser to cache all the imputs. Thanks
  7. jn03

    ASP.NET and Sybase database ?

    Can anyone show me how to connect to a Sybase database in ASP.NET? Thanks in advance.
  8. jn03

    CausesValidation on Edit/Update in Datagrid

    on code-behind page: 2 steps: 1) Private Sub myDatalist_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListItemEventArgs) Handles myDatalist.ItemDataBound If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.EditItem Then...
  9. jn03

    CausesValidation on Edit/Update in Datagrid

    It's easy. Just set it on your aspx page, something like this: <asp:linkbutton CommandName="Update" Text="Update" Runat="server" ID="lbtnItemUpdate" CausesValidation="true" /> <asp:linkbutton CommandName="Cancel&quot...
  10. jn03

    Problem with accessing remote database on a network

    Thanks George, for the inputs, but it still doesn't work. I already had <authentication mode=&quot;Windows&quot;/> As for the username and password, I'm not sure since I'm using Visual FoxPro as the database. My guess is it has something to do with the aspnet account on both machines A and B...
  11. jn03

    Problem with accessing remote database on a network

    Hi all, I have my asp.net application on machine A and trying to access to the database on machine B on the same network. Can someone help me on how to configure both machines to make this work? Machine B already has ASPNET account which provides access rights. I also have set <identity...
  12. jn03

    How can I stop a postback from bringing page to top ?

    I assume this will work with Netscape 4.7 ? This sure is helpful for me. Will give it a try. Thanks a bunch, Dragonwell.
  13. jn03

    Using the enter key to submit a form

    you put the javascript code in your .aspx page. It's quite standard to use javascript with vb.net in ASP.Net. Afterall, the client-side script that ASP.NET uses is javascript. cheers,
  14. jn03

    Using the enter key to submit a form

    this is what I'm using, insert it into your HTML: (note that &quot;btnSubmit&quot; is your submit button id) <HEAD> <script lang=&quot;Javascript&quot;> function onkey() { if(window.event.keyCode==13){ document.getElementById(&quot;btnSubmit&quot;).focus(); } } </script>...
  15. jn03

    Using the enter key to submit a form

    Hi there, You need to set focus to the submit button. If your page has only one button, then the focus is set on that button by default, but if your page has several buttons, then it might be set to some other button. Use javascript to set the focus on the desired button, but this doesn't work...
  16. jn03

    Calling stored procedure from VFP database

    Hello, I'm having problem calling stored procedures from Visual FoxPro database. I got the following exception error: &quot;System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unrecognized command verb&quot; Here is my code snipet: Dim oConn As OleDbConnection = New...
  17. jn03

    difference between Asp.Net FormsAuthentication and Session?

    Hi all, I want to implement an application which requires the users to log in the view several pages inside. To do this, I'm using session objects to keep track of the logged-in user between the pages. However I also see ASP.NET has the FormsAuthentication feature that seems to do the same job...
  18. jn03

    Refreshing keeps adding to Database!

    since you said &quot;post anything&quot;, well then... :) it's not the problem with your code. I had the same problem before. what I had was an input page and a submit button. everytime the refresh button is clicked, the focus goes to the submit button and the inputs are added to the database...
  19. jn03

    Date problem US format, I want UK?

    I found this article, I think it helps you: http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/6999 according to this article, you can change your pc language setting through the control panel. (you'll need more research on how to do this). As for culture setting, the setting should be &quot;en-GB&quot;, not...
  20. jn03

    Date problem US format, I want UK?

    you can do it in 2 ways: lblDate.Text = (FormatDateTime(&quot;{0:dd/MM/yyyy}&quot;, txtDate.Text) OR use system threading like this: Dim culture As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(&quot;en-UK&quot;) System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture...

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