Sounds like the messages might be getting stuck in the delivery queue on the Exchange server for whatever reason. Check the queue to see if they are there. Delete them if they are. You might have to stop and start the IMC service.
Hope this helps.
Oakleaf - yes, that is correct. Same part number, different desc - which is actually coming from a multi-value database so it is making each line of desc from database a separate record with same part number.
Neil - Thanks so much for the detailed example. I will try this and let you know how...
If I have:
Part No. Desc
1x9090 Ball bearing
1x9090 1-1/4" diameter
how can I combine the two lines of desc (number of lines will vary) into one field OR
how do I show the multi-lines of desc on a report and only show the part number once.
I feel like I'm being a little thick-headed today, but I'm going to ask anyway....[blush]
If all of my desc lines are in the same column (or field-name) what tells Access which is DescLine1 vs DescLine2, etc.?
Thanks for the replies.
In response to the first reply from Anne, yes, the number of desc lines will vary.
Maybe an example would help.
Part No. Desc
1x1090 Ball Bearing 1-1/4"
1x1090 diameter
I want one part number field and one desc field. I am using ODBC tables, a query to...
I have extracted information from a database via ODBC. My part number ends up having 3 lines because each line of the description is in a separate record. How can I combine the description into one field instead of three?
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