I have a PIX 520 and a web server behind the PIX. From outside my network I can hit my web server with the public address I statically assigned to it to point to my Internal web server. How can I hit my web server from inside my network using the public address instead of the private address of...
I'm not sure if this is a IIS issue or my PIX firewall issue. Hopefully I can get some feed back on one of these sites.
I have a windows 2000 advanced server, running Exchange and IIS. I have also installed OWA. Within my office, I can get to the information that I put on IIS with no problem. My...
I currently have a PIX 520 ver 4.2 firewall on my network. I am now having to manage it and no little about it. I have a few questions. The inside address of my PIX is the same network my PC's are on, I have a DMZ created and that is on another network. At this time the DMZ is not in use. I want...
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