We created a site using Dreamweaver Ultra Dev4, Flash 5 and, MySQL. While the site is on our local machine and we test it using Microsoft IIS, everything works fine. All the pages come up, all the searches pull the corrrect data and display it on a results page. Life is good. Once we transfered...
I'll try anything once, twice if I like it. As I am not a programmer, how exactly would that pseudo code fit into the query? remember I'm only using MySQL for about 4 months. Thanks.
You hit the nail on the head. Can you hear me taking a deep breath....ahhhhhhh, ok....now....is there something I can do with MySQL to make my life easy or, are my fingers going to fall off from all the typing I'm gonna have to do?
Thanks for your response.
Hello all,
I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to.
I have created a database for our online directory.
The database was built using MySQL 3.4x and because of server constraints we are connecting to the DB using ASP. The constraint being it's a Winblows box instead of Linux...
Hey gang,
That did it. I copied the files to the new directory, rebooted the machine, and everything works fine.
Thanks to everyone that had input for me.
Just found your post.
Before attempting this make sure that the data in your .csv file is in the order as it will appear in the table.
When you write your load command it should look something like this:
mysql> load data infile 'yourfile.csv' into table tablename fields terminiated by ','...
I have a question for you.
Are you running WinMyAdmin as the MySQL server service manager on your laptop?
I read that you have Apache up and running. That's the web server part but you also need to have a MySQL server service manager up and running in order for MySQL to function on a...
Thanks all for your replies.
I will move the data to the new directory when I get to the office. I guess I wasn't looking for files when I looked in the data directory, I was just looking for databases, my bad. We'll see how this works out with fresh eye's and a fresh day. Thanks again.
Thanks for the quick response,
No, I did not move the data to the new directory as I have not created any databases. And yes I am the root user and I do have permissions to access the new directory.
I have a Windows 2000 box running MySQL with WinMyAdmin, and Coldfusion Apache.
I installed MySQL in the default directories.
My server has two drives, C: and D:
C: is the admin end of the web server and the D: of course handles the FTP and HTTP ( where all the...
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