ok,i got a file which records the top score in a snake game i'm making and everytime the top score is beaten the file is updated and saved.but instead of having 1 top score i wanna have 3 top scores.so if top score 1 is beaten then top score 1 becomes top score 2 and top score 2 will become top...
I tried what you said but i keep getting error messeges.ones saying either "error at module TITLE(the main module name) address (blah,blah,blah)" or a "this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down (etc)"......what can i do?
How can i make a .bat file,is it possible with qbasic 4.5?
if i do make a .bat file would i need to make a seperate .bat file for each .bas file or could they all sort of go into one .bat file?
so theres no way of compiling lots of separate .bas files into one exe? i understand what you're saying about tilesets and i know how this works etc but are you saying theres no way of compiling separate .bas files into one .exe file? if i compiled all the .bas files and had an exe for each one...
ok,well i use the chain command in alot of my programs coz in my opinion it makes things alot easier and organised.so is there a way to compile a load of files into one .exe file it all runs with no stupid error messeges?
cheers for all your help.ill have a fiddle about with the code n what u said and then post when ive got things sorted out.i will need your help in getting the main engine test-bed thing done but once that's done ill be fine.
okay i still have this problem with teks tile engine 3.how can i make the character do something when he goes on a particular tile? please no answers like if playerx = ....
then do action coz i know about collision and reading what tile a character is on etc.please be specific to teks tile...
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