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Search results for query: *

  1. izachar

    JDE EnterpriseOne Standalone Install Problems

    Based on Oracles documentation you need to setup a developer station which means a desktop with visual studio. hope this helps
  2. izachar

    Fkash 5 Zoom

    thanks I will give it a shot
  3. izachar

    Fkash 5 Zoom

    I have a Flash 5 Movie that I createda a zoom button it is working but the image is being pushed down every time I zoom in. I would like it to stay always in the center
  4. izachar

    Saving Dynamic Graphics

    I am creating dynamic graphics using Macromedia Generator. I can display these images in a web page in a gif or jpeg file. I would like to be able to save them on the server in that format. This is called off line generation I can do it in a command line but I would like to use the capabilities...
  5. izachar

    Saving Dynamic Graphics

    I am using a tool to create dynamic graphics (gif). They display in the browser correctly but now I would like to save them to the local machine. Is there any tag that will allow me to take a graphic from a web page and save it locally? Thanks
  6. izachar


    Are your Crystal services running on the server? Try accessing the report not from CF to rule out the Crystal server functionality. hope this helps
  7. izachar

    how many input box I can put in one page

    are any of the input boxes file fields? if yes try ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data in the form tag what kind of method are you using post or get? you should use post hope this helps
  8. izachar

    Ok - what am I doing wrong? I am b

    I had similar problems I also needed to place the file in a different llcation. Hope this helps <cfoutput> <CFSCRIPT> thisPath = ExpandPath(&quot;*.*&quot;); imgDirectory1 = GetDirectoryFromPath(thisPath); // get the above directory 2 levels down &quot;../../&quot...
  9. izachar

    font problem

    I am retrieving a text field from SQL db and I can not apply any text formatting to it no matter where I put the font tags (before the <cfoutput> or after. any suggestions?
  10. izachar

    GetBefore( ) function

    I have a field that has the city and the state in it.I wan to break it abart. There is a delimiter between the two &quot;,&quot;. I read on the crystal decisions web site that I can use GetBefore ({PM Property Info.PROPERTY_CITY_ST},&quot;,&quot; ) but the function is not there any one know if...
  11. izachar

    form problem

    still not working
  12. izachar


    I have a cfinclude for my drop-down menus. I have a java applet playing under my menus and when the menues drop down they go behind the applet is there a way to bring them to the front or send the applet to the back?
  13. izachar

    If no plugin display image

    In the older version of Flash there was an application called Aftershock. Using Aftershock you can tell set it that if it does not have the player display it as a gif or jpg. I guess that as the versions progress they take out functionality.
  14. izachar

    If no plugin display image

    I know this is basic but I can not find the answer anywhere. I want to play my flash movie in the browser if the user has the player. If the user does not have the player I want to display a jpeg. I do not want the user to have to download anything. Macromedia used to have an aplication called...
  15. izachar

    form problem

    the problem is now <CFSET formElement = &quot;Form.Vacancy#de_id#&quot;> because it is creating a string variable not from the submited form. So all the items are getting checked.
  16. izachar

    form problem

    it seems like it solved the problem but I took out the evaluate and now when I go back to the form all the checkboxes are checked.
  17. izachar

    Inserting Form Values

    You can pass the answer to the previouse page and then check for it when they come back to the page: <cfif isdefined(&quot;answer_q1&quot;)and answer_q1 neq &quot;&quot;> hope this helps
  18. izachar

    form problem

    still getting this on the result. Error Diagnostic Information An error occurred while evaluating the expression: vacantid = Evaluate(&quot;form.vacancy#de_id#&quot;) Error near line 21, column 7. ---------------------------------------- An error has occurred while processing the...
  19. izachar

    SQL Issue with passing an ID to the Action Page

    Is creating another cfquery with another name and having 2 cfoutputs an option. One for the large image and one for the thumbnails.
  20. izachar

    SQL Issue with passing an ID to the Action Page

    Is creating another cfquery with another nmae and having 2 cfoutputs an option. One for the large image and one for the thumbnails.

Part and Inventory Search
