Yes. You can.
Create a Private Sub, like this:
Private Sub HelloWorld
MsgBox "Hello World!", VbOkOnly, "Hello"
End Sub
Then under the on and after update subs:
Call HelloWorld
Hope that helps.
I have built my wizard interface (using the tab control)for completing a form. The wizard form is called when a new record is created, the wizard guides users through test proceedures and provides fields for the results to be entered. These results are then transferred into a results form (once...
I am creating a wizard interface for completing a form, does anyone know the vb code to show the next tab when clicking on a cmd button? So I can have Next and Prev buttons. Thanks.
I checked all the references and none were missing except in the ones I have ticked:
Visual basic for applications
Microsoft Access 9.0 Object library
OLE Automation
Microsoft ActiveX data objects 2.1 library
Microsoft script runtime
MISSING: Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP3)
Access 2000 has error with the following code:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Forms!hyperlink_builder!txtname = Left(Forms!AddRecord!RaisedBy, 3)
Me!txtname = UCase(Me!txtname)
Forms!hyperlink_builder!txtdate = Format(Forms!AddRecord!DateRaised, "ddmmyy")
End Sub
I'm sure...
I would like a reminder to appear when a new record has been added to the database. The reminder needs to prompt the user if they wish transfer some files (a seperate form performs this function). Any ideas?
I get an error:
'Compile Error:
Expected Variable Proceedure, not module.'
I have this code behind the on_click action of a button:
Me!OFT_Temp_Folder = BrowseFolder("Find Path to folder")
I have a parameters table (which holds the paths of several folders on a server). I have added text boxes to the form and I can edit the folder paths. I would like a user to be able to click a button and launch a save/save as style wizard that the user could use to find the folder and then the...
I see! I thought that unloaded the current function, in this case CopyFile and then I was loading in the next function. Oh well, it's sorted now. Thanks very much for all your help.
Your right, how dumb am I? It didn't work with the old code!
Could you help me with the removal of the original file in the temp folder? Here's the code I tried:
Private Sub cmdtransfer_Click()
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject
Dim Msg, title, Response...
Private Sub cmdtransfer_Click()
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject
Dim Msg, title, Response, Style As String
Msg = "This option will overwrite older files, do you wish to proceed?"
title = "Warning!"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritcal + vbDefaultButton2
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style...
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