Oh yes!! Thank you Tony, that is exactly what I wanted to do and its the right shade of grey too! That is so slick. Nice, simple and just right.
Thanks again Tony!
Yep, tried the macro recorder and actually made a macro that does the alternate shade idea, but it only does in on a set range. I'd like to have the macro read the range I manually select each time, then apply the light-grey background to every other row.
thanks, Scott
Hi everyone,
I would like to be able to select a range in an excel spreadsheet, then run a macro that would change the background color to light gray on every other row (of the selected range). How can I do this in an excel macro?
thanks for any help,
Thanks PH, too cool!
Here's what I ended up doing:
du -sk * | while read SIZE DIR
do echo "$SIZE $DIR"
if [ "$SIZE" -gt 800000 ]
then du -sk $DIR/* | while read SUBSIZE SUBDIR
do echo " $SUBSIZE $SUBDIR"
I apologize for this not ending up being...
I'm would like to do a "du -sk *" of a directory and for each line that produces, if the size of the directory is greater than 800MB, do a "du -sk" of that directory, then continue. Since this seems to be something that needs to be "line-based" rather than "word-based", I thought that maybe AWK...
I would like to create a shortcut or program to run that would simply refresh the active desktop. Is there a way to do this in one click? I have the desktop set to single-click and would like to be able to refresh the desktop without having to right-click it and select refresh; just refresh...
Is there a way in Javascript to move or rename local files? I'd like to put some javascript into a link in IE Favorites that would swap between two different sets of Links. Basically I'd like to have a HomeLinks directory and a WorkLinks directory and be able to copy/move/rename one or the...
Thanks jarednn. Only I'll need to be more than one window on top and side by side. Now that I think more about it, it probably shouldn't be fixed to stay on top, since I would need to click on the parent page again to bring up another window.
Thanks for everyone's help!
The "_blank" didn't seem to help. Here's a clipping of the code. Its using an "onClick" event to run a function that pops up a new window with the info in it. This is all done
on an image mapping.
I have a web page in which one can click on an item and a small window opens to show info on that item, but when I try to click another item to compare with the first, it only fills the original window with the new item's info. How can I open multiple small windows with javascript?
thanks for...
Javascript gurus,
I had found some javascript code somewhere that you put in the location URL of a Netscape Personal Toolbar Button. When you highlight an address and press the toolbar button, it pulls up a MapQuest map of that address, or if nothing is highlighted, it prompts the user for an...
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