Some system commands would halt the execution if one has not enough privileges to do so. How, can I allow my runtime to try for - let's say - 10 seconds. But if nothing is return and the command is blocked, then continue.
What's a solid approach to this?
Thanks for any hints.
Okay, here's the solution. One needs to load the prop.load(new FileInputStream(propFile));
before the FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(propFile);
I store my properties to a file after i populated them with strings using the setProperty(String key, String value) method. However, it keeps overwriting the properties that i have not changed during this action. So I first loaded the properties with an input stream of the file. Didn't help...
Hi, I'm having a listener place which is listening to file changes on my local hard drive (using JNA). works nicely.
In this class (singleton), i check if this file is a pdf document (works fine to). If yes, I would like to raise an event that could be captured by another object of my...
1) When OpenEJB Plugin for Eclipse is downloaded and installed from the Apache OpenEJB, do a restart.
2) Create a new EJB Project
2.1) Name it.
2.2) Create a new target runtime. Select OpenEJB 3.x.x from the Apache folder. Target the location %catalina_home%/webapps/openejb/.
Where do I need to point the "JRE HOME"?
Btw, Tomcat is not a J2EE server suporting EJB? right? Well, if that's the case, I don't need to try any further because then I wouldn't find any libraries for EJB syntax.
answer and advice?
hm. yes. good guess. i might have referenced the wrong jre, right? doesn't that J2EE-JRE come with the Eclipse J2EE bundle?
sorry, for playing so stupid. It's just no obvious nor plausible to me.
Hi there,
I'm a C# developer and diving into J2EE 6.0 and starting with the latest Eclipse Galileo J2EE distribution and Tomcat 6.0.
1) I create a EJB Project (no error).
2) I created a EJB 3.0 Session Bean. Error with import of javax.ejb.Stateless saying: "the import of javax.ejb cannot be...
ow. given the entire fqcn. I think I should try to dynamicly load the IPlugin from the plugin jar.
The plugin jar included in the main application??? It's a plugin. I want people to develope plugins for my main application. I don't care what they programm, as long as they give me a name (that I...
ow. Well, if that is a definite answer, than I say thanks! hm... jjj I've got no clue how the main and plugin application should read from the same Interface in order to cast. That seems to oppose the idea of reusability. If you can think of an approach, I'm happy to hear.
Thanks for your...
Hm, I didn't think of that. I mean the IPlugin of the Plugin is, OF COURSE, in a different package path than the main application. Also it has its own IPlugin interface in that very same package path. The other IPlugin, the one I use for casting, is stored in the main application. However, they...
Because with Plugins you don't know the class names (caution!!! I hardcoded the fqcn ONLY for test purpose. I want to fetsch it later dynamically.
Thanks anyway for your response.
I tried to use an interface to enforce the plugin developers to implement the function "initialize(Composite parent, int style)".
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
interface IPlugin {
void initialize(Composite parent, int style);
a Test-Plugin is this:
okay. we need to add the same path to the javascript code when invoking. so, no just to the cfajaxproxy attribute.
[for JavaScript]
var auth = new wr.lib.BLL_DAL.authentication();
[for CFML]
<cfajaxproxy cfc="wr.lib.BLL_DAL.authentication" />
hope this helps others, too.
The documentation of cfajaxproxy states that the reference to the cfc can be absolute.
I do have the authentication.cfc in a BLL directory which is placed way far from the directory where I invoke it. How do...
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