The compare function generates a compile error in line 1.
If I used the first option what would I type in the formula? I get "That name is not valid" messages when I type in =isred(a1) or =isred().
Thanks Combo.
Sorry for being thick do I use this function?
If I want to work out if the cell's interior colour is 8421631 (in this case) what would I enter in say, cell A1?
I have put =ifred(a1) but that returns a #NAME? error?
Thanks Combo this looks hopeful.
I am not familiar with the VB side of Excel. I seem to have managed to get the script listed in the custom formulas and have then tried to use it in a cell. What is the syntax of the formula for the entry into the cell? And how do I find out what the RGB code is...
Thanks for that.
The issue is a little more complex than that. Is there anyway I can post a gif on this forum? I could show you the format of the spreadsheet then.,...
Is there any other way?
Does anyone know if the following is possible?
I ahve a spreadsheet that I cut and paste data into from an html generated table. The table is coloured in either red or white. If it is red then I want to record this.
At the moment I cut and paste and then manually type "1" into each...
Ahh. Thanks..although it was actually dddd that I needed to type.
The next thing is how do I conditionally format just the Saturdays and Sundays as shaded grey?
I have a situation where I want to enter a date in A1. From this I want Excel to autocalculate and fill in rest of the months across the columns...that's the easy bit which I can do.
I also want excel to autocalculate the weekday from this date and place it into cell A2 and likewise accross the...
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