Hmmmm. That wasn't exactly it, but it gave me some ideas. By the way, the problem is resolved!
I'm not running a dns server locally, but instead relying on the comcast dns via my router and cable modem. Since the dns of my server is dynamic, I use the dynadns and zoneedit servers to keep the...
To answer the questions...
I've been using the loopback address for speed comparisons with the other machines on the local net recently, that may be why traffic is so heavy on that address. With the loopback address, there isn't the latency (pause) that is so frustrating with connections...
Hopefully someone has seen this issue before and can shed some light on it for me. I have a RH9 server installation (previously RH8 with same issue) that is experiencing a 3 to 5 second delay before servicing requests over the lan or wan, though NO delay over the loopback or localhost. For...
Difficult to say since I'm not running anything else except a mail server. I use gnome as the desktop and it runs very nicely. I've never tried accessing the mail via the loopback but other than a 3 or 4 second pause when a pop3 connection is attempted remotely, the mail, even with large...
I have http running under RedHat 8.0 and it is serving test pages very slowly. Single line text-only pages take up to 45 seconds even from the localhost on the loopback address. Cpu and memory is barely bumped during the query. Have I got a configuration issue here that I've overlooked?
I have sendmail running under Red Hat 8.0 and can send and receive mail from the local network and receive from senders outside the network and can send mail to others outside the network. In setting up a user who is outside the network but who has an account on the local mail server, the...
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