I used a counter to count the lines that I write on the page. Then subtracted it from 65 orso which is the maximum lines on a page.
And then I wrote a number lines which contained spaces equal to the result of the subtraction.
Maybe not the most elegant solution, but it will do
well, my subprogram is called lijst1
after compiling, you get a .obj file of the subprogram and you have to put it in the cobol\binr\ directory
and then it works
the reason why he puts \externl behind it, i don't know
oeps, sorry guys, was caught up in the fascenating world of COBOL :)
You're right, thx for everyone who's helping me with this and for the good answers
I will try to pay more attention on this
when I try to declare a external variable and run the program, it says
"load failure c:\cobol\binr\externl"
I have to put something in this directory, but I don't really know what.
This is a part of the code:
Main program
working-storage section.
01 param pic...
Is it possible to force an end of page without using the linage clausule?
I have a program that reads a number of patients from a file. When there are more than 5 patients, the program has to write 5 patients on one page and then write on another page and so on.
If anyone could help me,thx
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