Do you mean the difference between a) calling the queue manager APIs and b) calling the client APIs?
If so, then programmatically there is no fundamental difference. The client APIs are the same as the queue manager (server) APIs. Ditto for the return codes, error codes etc. But functionally...
You could write some VBA code to sit behind the spreadsheet and retrieve the mainframe data via an ODBC link. But I believe this would require additional third-party software to be installed on the mainframe. Ditto for using web services.
My company is a big Websphere MQ user so we opted to...
The message ID is a 24-byte field. It CAN be be set by the sending application and should be unique, although this is not disallowed by MQ.
But the normal practice is for the sending (ie. MQPUTting) application to a) specify MQPMO_NEW_MSG_ID in the PUT message options or b) set the message ID...
What is the impact of message persistence on MQ performance and throughput?
We have an application sending non-critical messages. The PUT is non-transactional, but the messages ARE persistent (the option is unfortunately hard-coded).
I need to determine if its worth making the effort to...
1. Define the table ('DT' command)
2. Populate the table, retrieve & process the data etc
3. Empty the table ('MT' command)
4. Repeat steps 2-3 as many times as necessary
5. Close the table ('CL' command)
Not sure what you mean...
Adabas C is an inverted-list DBMS with a well-deserved reputation as a very fast and reliable, although non-relational, database. Nothing to stop you making your table design relational but all the integrity handling, constraints, triggers etc. would have to be...
I've got a MVS mainframe file that has been FTPed to our Solaris system. The records are variable and contain packed decimal and binary data so I've got to do any EBCDIC/ASCII conversion field by field, also I can't rely on the end of record being marked by line feed in the usual Unix fashion...
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