There was an error in my first message. The erroe message I'm getting is "Fatal Acces Violation: Link Terminated". But like I said before, this happens every two or three times.
I have a little problem. When I build my application there are no error buuuuutttt every two or three time I get the following message
"Action Link Termninated". Once it happens, I close C++ Builder and then the problem is gone. Then it happens againg.
I would like to know how do I make a progress bar to indicate the status when reading a file. Since I haven't read the file I don't know the number of records, and I can't specify a Max value for the progress bar...
I appreciate your help....
Hi! I wonder if I need a preprocessor directive for doing this, When I run the code step by step teh compiler ignores(skips) the following lines.
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen( CFDFileName.c_str(), "r" );
Hi! I trying to find out how to read a file once I opened already with a Open File Common Dialgog box.
I already opened doing:
void __fastcall TMain_Menu::ButtonBrowseCFDClick(TObject *Sender)
AnsiString CFDFileName;
if (OpenCFDDialog->Execute())
CFDFileName = OpenCFDDialog->FileName...
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