this didnt help, just got the same amount of errors as before, but different errors.
why cant i do it the way i had it before? that's the way i've always done it in java...
I still get the array error about converting [*,*] to [] but i also get errors about converting strings to chars and...
Trying to read some data from a file. I'm reading in 4 lines and storing them in a 2D array and then starting again. Here's the code i'm using:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the absolute path of the file: ");
string path = Console.ReadLine();
String[] TempArray = new String[100, 4]...
when i said displayed, i meant stored ;) my bad!
basically this piece of code connects to a database online and the closedate is one of the attributes thats passed to the database. Even though it's in the code, i get a runtime error saying that it needs to be present (its a required field). I'm...
just out of interest, does that make the date represented in us format (mm/dd/yyyy) or uk (dd/mm/yyyy)? i need it to be displayed in uk format, and there's an error with this line of code when i run the program and i have a feeling its to do with the format
I'm writing some code and i have the following line:
oppty.CloseDate = 23/09/2004;
When i try to build it, there is an error that this isnt in the right format: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'System.DateTime'
what's the right syntax for me to enter this in so that it recognises it...
hi all
i'm trying to create a schema file for an xml file, but i'm having trouble. how do i define an element that has no name and contains only <![CDATA....]]>. here's an example:
<connect fnname="ConnectUserManager">
import win32com.client
import whrandom
also, what you're doing is looks right from where i'm sitting. the top of my .xsd file looks like:
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
sorry for the late reply, after giving you the advice i went and tried to do something and came up with the exact same problem again. its been bugging me all day, but i've finally cracked it!!!
i was getting the same message as you, but after lots of fiddling around, i saved the .xsd file in...
i had this problem with mine. the way i fixed it is open up your schema, note down the web addresses that come up at the top. then go to your xml document select view>properties (F4 shortcut). in the toolbar window that pops up on the right select target schema and then select the web address...
hi, i'm working on a project to make a kind of "universal schema" for a set of xml files and i need some help.
basically what happens is each file has exactly the same elements, but the attributes on one of the elements varies depending on which file it is. e.g.
Hi all,
I'm doing a project in access. The database is of patients of a dentist surgery and part of it is an appointment system.
Part of my project is a query that shows the people that have an appointment today. In this query i have the patients name, the time of their appointment and the...
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