To cdogg and gargouille:
Success Formula to Get AGP4X!!
1. Install VIA AGP Driver 4.30
2. Uninstall NVidia
3. Reinstall NVidia
4. Add "EnableVia4X" to the Registry
I'm still testing for stability. I'm not convinced that
this will work well...
Thanks to cdogg and gargouille:
I'll try installing the latest VIA drivers and reinstalling
my Nvidia ones.
see faq602-266 in the PC Hardware General Discussion
for info on Registry tweaks ("EnableVia4X") for NVidia
To gargouille,
Regarding a registry hack, apparently Nvidia disables
AGP4X when a VIA chipset is detected because of all
the compatibilty problems encountered (like my issue)
over the last couple of years.
Thanks again gargouille,
More details :
The Tyan S1854 Motherboard uses the Apollo Pro 133a chipset.
It is specified to be AGP 4X capable. The setup runs fine at AGP 2X, but only boots to Windows safemode when AGP4X
is enabled via a registry hack.
Thanks,More Info:
Old 733Mz Micron with Apollo 133a Motherboard
New G4TI4200-VTD64 MSI Graphics Board
I've tried updated AGP Drivers
and the widely published Registry hack to enable AGP4X
on NVidia boards
Has anybody gotten AGP 4X to work with a new NVidia Card
and the VIA Apollo 133A Chipset and Win 98SE? Please provide a reference. I know there are lots of Web posts describing problems and potential solutions that have not worked for me.
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