I poked around on this site, and found reference to PC inspector. That managed to save most (not all, but at least most) of the files I was most concerned about.
The drive actually still seems to be sound--I just ran into some problems, and was in a hurry (1st mistake), so let Norton's do...
I forgot one other thing. Fdisk reports the following re: this drive.
Partition=D:1 ;Status = A ;Type = PriDOS ;Volume =;
Label =; MBytes = 57254; System = Unknown; Usage = 100%
(Volume and label are blank)
I was having some disk write errors. I ran Norton Utilities and it said there were some FAT problems. After letting Norton Utilities try to fix these, I can no longer access the drive at all. I downloaded a tool from Maxtor to diagnose drive failure, and it says the drive is still good. Didn't...
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