Thanks Charles for your response as usual. I actually found out that the problem is due to this error:
"conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
The error came up when I tested the selections on the selections tab of the report. The database is already in 2000...
I have a report that displays numbers correctly when run against sql server 2000 but when run against sql server 2008 in 2000 compatibility mode, the numbers are displayed as 0. The report query actually returns numbers.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have reports using =* for outer joins and they fail to run against SQL Server 2005. How can I replace the =* or *= automatically in Reportsmith without having to edit all the reports' SQL statements. I am using RS 3.10.
Thank you.
When I try to export to Excel using Save As, no error is reported but the file turns out with size 0 and contains no values. I am using Windows XP winr RS Version 3.12.
Does anyone know why this happens? Thanks for your help.
Does anyone know how to resolve this error that comes up when i run a report in Windows XP. The error message is:
Attempt to stream unrefistered type "TTotalPages". OK to resume?
This report runs perfectly OK in Windows 95.
I am able to lunch the built-in change pasword form from code using the following:
CommandBars!Tools.Controls!Security.Controls![Set Login Password...].Execute
This allows my user to change login password on the SQL Server.
How can I know when the user clicks OK or Cancel on this built-in...
I have a stored procedure on SQL Server called by Access project. The stored procedure return either 0 or 1 if a login is a member of as server role.
How do I receive the returned value in Access module.
I am using the following to run the stored procedure:
Thanks. I think the ODBC connection is stored in the TableDefs. If I can replace the DSN connection stored with the TableDefs with DSN-less connection string, I may achieve my objective.
What do you say to this?. Do you know how I can get this done.?
Thanks for your help.
How can I connect an access project to an SQL server backend without using ODBC. I want to deploy an access project front end without having to set up ODBC on the client PC.
Thanks for your help.
The problem is irq sharing by com ports in PCs. com ports 1 and 3 do share irq and also 2 and 4. That is why even in windows once you use irq 1 you can't also use irq 3. To do so requires special software work around made by third parties.
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