I got it figured out last night... even though I was waiting for the file to exist, I guess it wasn't quite long enough for NT to let go of the file. I installed a CFX_wait tag that pauses for a second or two before processing.
Thanks for your help though.
I've checked all the forums, and come up with nothing... hoepfully someone can help.
I'm generating a PDF on the fly... then I'm looping until the file exists, then attaching it to an email and sending the file. This works about 60% of the time... for some reason occasionally it'll send a...
Need a set of variables...
d1_name --> d42_name
They will be defined by Records being exported out of the Database.
<CFQUERY NAME="driver" DATASOURCE="#dsn#">
FROM driver
WHERE member_id = #Session.member_id#
This could return any amount of...
it'll only save a portion of the field or it doesn't save at all? I would try to replace the "" with some kind of marker, like a ~ or something, and then when you pull back from the DB, replace the ~ with ". That's what I'd do, if I'm not understanding you, send me an email and...
I keep getting an error when I load a CFM that says that an object isn't defined, and it's the JS for the validation for my form. But when I take out validation information, I'm still getting the error. But it's writing to the code for nothing...
If anyone has any ideas, or wants me to post...
We use the <CFTRY> and <CFCATCH> tags to handle any errors produced from coldfusion... something like this...
...CFM content...
<CFLOCATION URL="app_error.cfm" ADDTOKEN="No">
This will direct any errors to...
I'm sending an output from a query, but I only want it to return one instance of each variable...
FL instead of FL
Please assist if possible.
Okay... I really NEED everyones help with this one.
I have to request the values for a list of items, there could be 2 there could be 15... so geneterate the form by using..
<CFFORM NAME="act_pay" METHOD=POST ACTION="next_page.cfm">
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="audit_info">...
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