Fixed !!!!!!!!!! Some moron did a search for regedit.exe and then made a shortcut to his desktop. Well if that moron duel boots with windows 2k and win xp. The windows 2k regedit.exe doesn't do everything that win xp regedit does. So what I (the moron) am telling you is, watch your shortcuts...
I gave myself power user rights and took away my admin rights, no such luck. I can edit and modify the expandable strings but I can not create them. This only happens in my account.
I have admin rights on my home net. Some were along the way I lost the ability to create Expandable String Value and another reg string, when using regedit.exe.. My backup admin account can create the string and the other accounts on the computer can also. How can I restore this action without...
DataEnvironment is not needed to fill the DataReport. You have to do more coding.
Set RptCustomers.DataSource = adoPrimaryRS
Note: RptCustomers is the name of my DataReport
With this you can send the adoPrimaryRS to the DataReport. Now use SQL to filter out what Data you want send.
adoPrimaryRS.Open "select [ID],[First Name],[Last Name] from Customers where ID like" & "'" & "'" & Text1.text & "'" , db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
[ID is a field] [Customers is the form]
Now we have data like Id, Firstname, Lastname, Address...
I am a newbie at this also but I have been at it for better than a month to get my results right. The best way to get started is to use the VB Aplication Wizzard and have it create the stuff for you. Use the SDI and don't choose anything else you can make it yourself better. Now get to data...
I don't know about running the form within access but you can do almost everything and then some from VB. You can open,read,add new,delete,update,and print. I would also say you can do much more but that is my limit for now. Basicly what I did was build a front end for my access database in VB...
Private Sub FillRpt()
Set RptCustomers.DataSource = adoPrimaryRS
End Sub
Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()
Set db = New Connection
db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
db.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Program.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=1"
Set adoPrimaryRS =...
I do realize my code my not be the best or even good but I am new to this so please don't judge to harshly..
Ok what I am need is Last Name 'F%'
What I get is 'Last Name 'F%''
MyData = Data + " like " + " '" + ADV + "%"...
I do realize my code my not be the best or even good but I am new to this so please don't judge to harshly..
Ok what I am need is Last Name 'F%'
What I get is 'Last Name 'F%''
MyData = Data + " like " + " '" + ADV + "%"...
Newbie here... I have a New system Win ME ,I installed my new HP 5300c scanjet on with usb connection and it works fine. Well that is until I installed MS Office 2000 Pro it freezes the scanner software. Now I didn't figure it out at first after I formated and reinstalled Win ME 3 times...
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