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Search results for query: *

  1. tommytx

    Debug suddenly stopped working... but the system seems ok otherwise.

    when I get an error and hit Debug to show me the exact location of the error the screen goes blank. Everything otherwise seems to work ok.. Do i need to reset the debug section somehow?
  2. tommytx

    How to click a button using VBA inside HTA page.

    I have tried everything I can think of to click the button anyone haveing any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have sent the entire code in the attachment. Just run it and click the Craig MLS button and it will fill the user name and password box but will not click the button. The...
  3. tommytx

    how to cause perl to quit and load an html file.

    Thanks that worked great I just had to add my double \n\n so the header would allow it to change pages vice just print the stuff on the screen.. print "Location: newhtmlpage.htm\n\n"; Without the \n\n it printed the text "Location: newhtmlpage.htm" on the screen vice actually travelling to the...
  4. tommytx

    how to cause perl to quit and load an html file.

    Can someone help me.. I have a perl program that does some specific things, but in the first line before it takes any real action i want it to check for a certain IP and if that IP exists, exit the perl program and load an html file. So bottom line is it would look like this in php but not sure...
  5. tommytx

    How to use target with javascript location.href

    oh... by the way... if you test the page above, simply click on each choice and see what it does then simply click the back button to get the old data back in the box for the next test... other wise you need to reload as refresh will not roload the old data.. Thanks again for any suggestions.
  6. tommytx

    How to use target with javascript location.href

    Thanks Tsuji, that was exactly what I was looking for, but it did not work for me.. check it out at http://www.adsentry.net/mytest/test.htm I have 3 examples set up: 1. The example you gave which does not put the data in the iframe.. can you look at the source and see if I did anything wrong...
  7. tommytx

    How to use target with javascript location.href

    works just fine. **************** <script> function getsub() { location.href="vbchsub.htm"; } will not work ************* <script> function getsub() { location.href="vbchsub.htm" target="myiframe"; } works fine but must use a form. (but if I add another form on this page it stops working.)...
  8. tommytx

    How to get links using document.getelementsbyTag('a&quot;)

    Here is what I am trying: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim ie Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Visible = TRUE ie.Navigate("http://www.adsentry.net/form.htm") Do until ie.ReadyState = 4 WScript.Sleep 50 Loop WshShell.AppActivate "My Test...
  9. tommytx

    How to feed XML to the pinging source...

    I have no idea where to ask this question.... so maybe some one can steer me to where this question should be asked. I am in the process of designing a new pinger to ping a system to let them know a blog has been updated.. So in order not to aggravate the pinging companies out there, I am...
  10. tommytx

    How to write to apache httpd.cnf

    Just for clarification, I need to access the httpd.cnf on the server not on my local computer.
  11. tommytx

    How to write to apache httpd.cnf

    I am trying to write the wild card for domains into the httpd.cnf but am not sure how to do it. Can someone help me. Or steer me to a tutorial.
  12. tommytx

    How to get data by name vice by field number.

    I am using VB6 and the ADODB.Connection. How do I say List2.AddItem db_url I don't want to fill the List1 box by calling .Fields(2) names. List1.AddItem rstRecordSet.Fields(2) db_Url is the actual field name used in the database. In other words how do I get the item from the database into the...
  13. tommytx

    Access to Iframe via Javascript when Iframe un-named.

    How can I access an Iframe via javascript without the iframe having a name or Id. I understand they fall into the frames category and may be accessed with something like <script> alert(document.frames[0].n_one.value); </script> However I have tried various frames commands and no help. Even...
  14. tommytx

    Install fonts to photoshop7 windows XP

    I have several fonts that were received with a website template, and the fonts are not in any installer program, they are separate. How do I install them so that photoshop 7 will pick them up. I can go to start, settings, control panel, and click on the fonts folder and I see a lot of fonts...
  15. tommytx

    Server Permissions for ASP on Windows 2000 server.

    I have a windows 2000 server that was working just fine, until all of a sudden it won't let me update or add records to any microsoft data base mdb that I have on the server. It comes back with Permission denied, so I tried to write a simple text file using asp and could not write that either...
  16. tommytx

    where to find tut on masking/blend photo.

    This is a simple one, but I can't find a tutorial on how to make soft shadows around a photo. I have tried searching for mask, blending and etc, but none turn up what I am looking for. I know someone out there knows exactly what I am looking for and where to find it. If I knew the correct search...
  17. tommytx

    Connect frm cmd line but not via php to mysql database.

    I have since gone into the root and granted full privileges to tommytx@localhost with password of tcx123. Now I can log onto the root with user tommytx and pw tcx123, however the problem continues that even though I use the user name and password, I can' connect to the data base via php. See...
  18. tommytx

    Connect frm cmd line but not via php to mysql database.

    I have installed a new issue of mysql 4.1 and am able to build and control a database via the cmd line. However I can't connect using php. My system is windows XP. My php commands require a pw and user name and I don't have a user name. I tried to connect to the root with php and could not...
  19. tommytx

    Clip running wild. Help!

    Help! I can't find anyway to stop this thing. The clipevent moves the movieclip which is named mymovie_mc (instance) right of the bottom of the stage and keeps going. I have tried all the items following the // but none of the have any effect on stopping this thing. How do I stop this thing. I...
  20. tommytx

    How to do star wars text using Photo Shop.

    Does anyone know how to make the text lay down and get smaller as it gets further away like the star wars text does. You can see a very nice example at http://www.vahud.com/shape1.swf .Apparently this is just a graphic of text that was converted to a symbol for flash, if I knew how to make the...

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