Here's a new one for you.
Turns out, that when I replaced my IDE cable with a new one, all the problems disappeared! Strange.
So, all along the problem was either a loose IDE cable or a damaged one. Either way, my system is back to normal again. Thank god.
I put a ABIT SD7-533 board with the SiS 645 chipset in my system this past summer.
Ever since, lockyps in games occurs quite routinely. In fact, usually after several minutes of play this happens. And for the last several weeks, my computer keeps shutting down on me for no apparent reason...
I have an ABIT motherboard with a SiS 645 chipset. Since the board was put in, I've experienced lockups in games PLUS my system shutting down on me for no apparent reason.
This happens with both Windows 98 SE and WinXP. Screen freezes but audio still continues. Have to hit the reset button...
Got an ABIT motherboard a few months back and ever since, been experiencing problems with lockups in mostly my games (some moreso than others) and also with Windows itself.
Then a few weeks ago, I was updating my chipset drivers for the board with the newest ones off the official site, and now...
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