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Search results for query: *

  1. foxbox

    SQL recordset to ASP array

    dim i i = 0 do while not rsOrder.eof varOrder(i) = "<th><a href='?itemid=" & _ rsOrders(0) & "'>" & _ rsOrders(1) & "</a></th>" i = i + 1 rsOrders.movenext loop (not tested)
  2. foxbox

    Emailing some text with a checkbox

    Your email is HTML formatted, but the email client obviously is not compatible with the <input type='checkbox'> tag. My Outlook 2007 is not. It shows [X] or [ ]....
  3. foxbox

    union query code from MS Access to SQL

    I expect a ProjectID to be numeric and a Projectname varchar. So in this query you are combining 2 SELECT's that do not produce the same field TYPE (= George's remark): SELECT ProjectID as ProjectName FROM tblTaskToolProRght WHERE [UserID] = 'nato' AND [SuperUser] = 1 UNION SELECT...
  4. foxbox

    ASP/Microsoft.XMLHTTP asynchronous request

    Mmmmmm, my initial thought is: 20 minutes processing??!!! if your script does database operations: use a stored procedure. Most likely that will speed up things. Besides that: with programs like this there will be a maximum number of simultaneous jobs (performance wise). I would store every user...
  5. foxbox

    replace dot matrix printer with laser printer

    to me it looks like you are sending "raw" characters to the HP. The formatting codes for matrix and laser printers are completely different. For the HP you need PCL5 escape codes. Have a look at: http://pcl.to/reference/
  6. foxbox

    Parameterized Queries

    1) use ? in the strSQL 2) use the fieldname in the createparameter <% set objCommand = server.CreateObject("adodb.command") Set objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConn objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT [field1] FROM [table1] WHERE field1 = ?" objCommand.CommandType = 1 Set param1 =...
  7. foxbox

    Populate textarea with recordset

    there is only one way to found out........ and i presume you are clever enough to define and open a connection etc
  8. foxbox

    Populate textarea with recordset

    untested/ pseudocode: <textarea> <% cSQL = "SELECT TOP 10 content FROM chat" rs.open cSQL, conn do while not rs.eof response.write rs("content") & vbCrLf rs.movenext loop rs.close %> </textarea>
  9. foxbox

    Populate textarea with recordset

    ??? 1 textbox with data from 10 records? 10 textareas from 10 records? 10 columns? 10 rows? ???
  10. foxbox

    Parse out a string

    superstrange, it works on my box. i modified it a little to show you the string manipulation: <% cTheString = "Example130-Your Analysis Bus-0.00-W-20032,Help130-My Analysis Aug-0.33-C-20052" response.Write cTheString do while cTheString <> "" 'Where is the first comma? nComma =...
  11. foxbox

    Parse out a string

    sorry, now i see the , in that string. so there is an outer loop for that code, in which you do a left( string, "comma position") you find that (1st) "comma position" by using the InStr function.
  12. foxbox

    Parse out a string

    <% c = "Example130-Your Analysis Bus-0.00-W-20032,Help130-My Analysis Aug-0.33-C-20052" a = split(c,"-") for i = 0 to ubound(a) response.Write a(i) & "<br>" next %>
  13. foxbox

    Windows version using ASP

    go read the answers in this thread: http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1617706
  14. foxbox

    classic asp inner join - 2 tables - will not work Sql Svr 2000

    Is Violation_ID a textfield? If it is numeric value then get rid of the surrounding ' around valVid. in cases like this a response.write the sql statement (followed by response.end). I can see the final sql, and copy /paste the statement into de SQL enterprise manager...
  15. foxbox

    date into Access DB failure

    Maybe this is helpfull too: http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/date-time-routines-manipulation/how-do-i-delimit/format-dates-for-database-entry.html
  16. foxbox

    Printing PDF (over WAN) results in huge files

    Our users work on a central MS Terminal Server system. They open relative small PDF files on the TS. But printing such a file results in a huge data transfer over the WAN to the local printer. Is it possible to prevent this? We used to have Canon multi functional printers (with this problem)...
  17. foxbox

    ASP mail not working in chrome?

    solved: http://p2p.wrox.com/classic-asp-basics/81264-classic-asp-email-not-working-chrome.html
  18. foxbox

    connect to protected excel workbook

    maybe this helps: http://www.connectionstrings.com/Articles/Show/how-to-open-password-protected-excel-workbook
  19. foxbox

    connect to protected excel workbook

    do a test with a protected test.xls make sure you save it in Excel format and not XML.
  20. foxbox

    connect to protected excel workbook

    In thhis article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257819#Connect i read; If the Excel workbook is protected by a password, you cannot open it for data access, even by supplying the correct password with your connection settings, unless the workbook file is already open in the Microsoft Excel...

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