This gives me the Ref and Count.
SELECT Reference, count(Reference)
FROM s_Street_lighting___reports
GROUP BY Reference
Is there a way to only show those greater than 1. That would help.
Data is like below
RefID - Date
A1 - 01/01/2016
A2 - 01/01/2016
A1 - 02/01/2016
A3 - 02/01/2016
A1 - 03/01/2016
The output I would like is 1, as in only 1 RefID (A1) which occurs more than once.
And then to complicate this, there are many tables ie Fault_Report1...
When I look in the About it says version 14. It was bought this year.
Any way I found a fix. The ODBC connection on my machine was spelt with a capital letter ie 'Connection' and the one on the CE machine was lower case 'connection'. So I changed mine to 'connection' and it works.
I just...
I have created a report in Crystal 2011 getting data from a SQL server, and then place it on the CE server.
The report runs fine in Crystal Reports, and runs fine on CE. However when I change the report and add a Parameter it the falls over with the error in the subject.
Any ideas would be...
I have been asked to evaluate cViewManager and overall it looks close to what my client wants. Just one thing, in the list of features it states
"Lists - You can create lists of values... These can be used in the schedule for parameter values..."
As hard as I try I can't work out how to use...
Again many thanks for your reply.
It didn't quite work out, but using you suggestion I came up with the following formula for the display string
numbervar y;
totext({@TopN}-((y-distinctcount({Customer.Customer Name})-1))-distinctcount({Customer.Customer Name}),0,"")...
Thanks for that and it works great except...
My fault I should have said that the crosstab is using TopN, so the numbers I get aren't 1, 2, 3 etc, but something like 4, 12, 5, 9 etc...
I was hoping it was somthing that I could do in the Crosstab, as I will have more than one crosstab in...
I am using CR9 and would like the following
1 Lee 9
2 John 7
3 Jane 4
As in the Name and Year is a crosstab, but I would like to number each row.
Any ideas?
Many Thanks
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