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Search results for query: *

  1. bsetterb

    DNS with Sonicwall and W2K server

    More info... In "DNS->forward zones->setterbo.com->props->types" I changed the type from AD integrated to standard primary. I deleted the private address( and added a host record for frontdoor.setterbo.com( I left a PTR record of 2 for...
  2. bsetterb

    DNS with Sonicwall and W2K server

    Ok, I have been away for most of the day and can finally get back to this problem. Lets say I get DS1 and DS2 to change their records for frontdoor.setterbo.com to I would think they should be). I still have the problem of the zone file for setterbo.com on frontdoor having an...
  3. bsetterb

    DNS with Sonicwall and W2K server

    GrnEyedLdy, Thanks, but the forwards were already defined. The problem is that the zone file for setterbo.com on frontdoor.setterbo.com has an address record for private IP address I have assigned to the machine) which seems to be always added by the Active Directory. Since...
  4. bsetterb

    DNS with Sonicwall and W2K server

    brontosaurus, Thanks for the reply. Here are the answers to your questions. I have been trying several things to make this work as you will see in my answers. I can and will modify what ever I need to to make this work correctly. Thanks so much for your help... 1) I had the DHCP server...
  5. bsetterb

    DNS with Sonicwall and W2K server

    I am building a home network with the following configuration: dsl --> SonicWall --> W2K server --> 6 XP machines I have my domain (setterbo.com)registered with the NetworkSoluctions and frontdoor.setterbo.com( is the primary DNS. My ISP is DSL.NET. SonicWall tech support...
  6. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    NobleMan, It turned out to be a problem with .NET(I think). In my line of work I have to use this particular machine to test software I develop. At one point I had installed a beta version the .NET MSDev IDE. I had removed it but it seems that it did something to the machine that caused pings...
  7. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    NobleMan, Thanks for your help. I think what I'll do is start with the WAN disconnected and ensure that the LAN works like I expect it to work. I plan to set all machines with static IP addresses in the same range as the DHCP server will lease. I guess I may have to reinstall XP on this one...
  8. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    BTW - here is an interesting event log from frontdoor: The master browser has received a server announcement from the computer BMST-15 that believes that it is the master browser for the domain on transport NetBT_Tcpip_{567A1F52-DD32-4868-B. The master browser is stopping or an election is...
  9. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    1. Client ipconfig: C:\Documents and Settings\bob>ipconfig /all Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : bmst-15 Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : xxx.com Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No...
  10. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    Yes, sorry. A better picture would be: (ISP)WAN LAN(192.168.23.nnn) <-->DLS modem<--->SonicWall<---->hub1 | | ---------------- ---------- | | V...
  11. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    The SonicWall is unable to ping the client. Also, it can not resolve the name. The following occurrs: Ping IP( is not responding Ping bmst-15: Unable to resolve Ping bmst-15.xxx.com: is not respoding The SonicWall can resolve the fixed IP for the server and ping...
  12. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    No ICMP denials at the SonicWall. Only external UDP and TCP connection attempts dropped(as expected). No firewall configured on the client(I promise ;-). There are three hubs in the topology, but this client and the server are on the same hub(which I have isolated for testing).
  13. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    Thanks for the come back. I get &quot;request timed out&quot; when I ping the client from the server (either name or IP). The ping of the server from the client succeeds with either IP or name. Here is additional config info... Client from hell Win XP Pro bmst-15.xxx.com (FQDN) DHCP...
  14. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    Firewalls are off on this and all other clients. I am wondering if it may be related to the way I set up the domain on the w2k server. However, I have no idea why that would cause ping to fail.
  15. bsetterb

    one machine not pinging

    This is my first post here, so please excuse any faux pas I may commit. I have a home network which I have recently reconfigured. The old configuration had a Linux server performing DNS, DHCP, NAT, WWW, FTP, POP3, SMTP, and IPChains along with 4 Windows clients(2@9X and 2@XP). The new...

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