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Search results for query: *

  1. montyb

    how to use vb coded query to populate a list box

    I have a form in which I would like a list box (or similar object) to be poplulated based on a letter entered in a text box. The user enters a letter in "txtFirstLetter" textbox. That letter should trigger a query that is something like ... SELELCT CustCode FROM tblCustomer WHERE...
  2. montyb

    Need to have field values repeat on sub form

    Greetings! I have embedded a subform in a form, and would like a couple of field's values to repeat when a new record gets added. The values are coming from the parent form (basically a couple of ID fields relating back to the parent). How would I go about doing that? thanks in advance
  3. montyb

    User needs to map a file path on a form

    I added the code and it allows me to browse, but how do find a file and then use the mapped address? I would like to have the address of the user's file show in a text box. Currently I have it set up where the user has to manually type the address in. thanks
  4. montyb

    User needs to map a file path on a form

    Greetings! I have an Access database in which I am going to allow users to import data into a table from an Excel spreadsheet. The first question I have is how do I allow the user to "explore" to the proper path (in a text box or drop box)on a form so that user can locate the file...
  5. montyb

    Prompt user to see if they want to save changes to a record

    I would like to prompt users after they change/create a record on a form to verify that they really want the changes. Here is the code I have... Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate() Dim s As Byte s = MsgBox("Do you want to save your changes?", vbYesNo, "Save") If s =...
  6. montyb

    updating one table from another, automatically

    Greetings. I am working on a database that gives me information on railcar status. An identifier is a field called MarknUnitNo (it is a combination of the Mark and UnitNo fields). A railcar is given a mark and unit number as an identifier with the owner. The number can change many times...
  7. montyb

    deleting records in a table using a form

    I think that will work. My next question is how do I call the delete query? I'm still green in VBA. I was going along the path of... Private Sub Form_Close() docmd.openQuery... but I don't think I necessarily want to open it. How do I call it to run? Thanks for the help
  8. montyb

    deleting records in a table using a form

    I am using a table to temporarily store records that can be accessed in a form to show data that has been recently entered (into a permanent table). I want the records to clear when the form is closed (or when a clear command button is pushed). What do I need to do?
  9. montyb

    How to clear an unbound form

    I have an unbound form that I enter a range of numbers (and other data) to populate a table. I use a command button to populate the data. When the button is pushed, how do I get the form to clear, so I can enter the next range of data? I used to write code for another command button to clear...
  10. montyb

    clear unbound "dirty" form

    I usually use the following code on a "clear" button to remove data entered on a normal, bound form.. Private Sub cmdClear_Click() If Me.Dirty Then Me.Undo End Sub The problem is I have an unbound form I am trying to do the same thing with and I get the following error when pushing...
  11. montyb

    duplicating entries on a form

    John, first off, thanks for the help. I have a couple of questions regarding the above code. While I have done some work in VB, I still have a long ways to go, eitherhoo... First, when I type in... Dim db As DAO.Database DAO does not show up in the drop box as an option. I can choose...
  12. montyb

    Query question on mixed data (alpha & numeric)

    How would I go about setting criteria on a query if I want to seperate either text or numbers? I have a couple of fields that need to be stricktly numeric, but have text in them (and possible numbers as well). How do I set the criteria to show (or delete) only text and/or numbers? thanks in...
  13. montyb

    problems with a delete query

    I am trying to delete records from Table A that don't match records in Table B. I run an unmatched records query from the query wizard to get the results. I then change it to a delete query. It basically shows all records (*) from Table A (delete:from) and the field from Table B as the...
  14. montyb

    how do you get Access to recognize duplicate records upon entry?

    How would I go about doing this? Let me clarify a little exactly what I am doing. I will be entering information on railcars on a form. If I am entering data on 100 cars, all but one field will be the same (the Unit Number). I am in the process of creating a form that will allow me to enter...
  15. montyb

    duplicating entries on a form

    That is correct. I would be great if I could enter multiple ranges all at once (not all of the cars will be in a consecutive range, see previous reply), however that may be out of my scope. The numbers are not generated by the computer, however there is an autonumber in the table for new...
  16. montyb

    update query question

    Amiel, thanks for the help. Question: Should I be entering the above coding to the "update to" area of the update query. I get the error message "The expression contains ivalid syntax. You may have entered an operand without any operator." The cursor then blinks on...
  17. montyb

    question about an update query

    I'm afraid the zeros still don't stick. If the Mark is CNRR and the UnitNo is 012345 (the zero showing because we updated the format to 000000 and it was originally showing 12345) and I run the update query to combine both fields, I get CNRR12345 (not CNRR012345). The above code gave me the...
  18. montyb

    duplicating entries on a form

    Yes sir, that is exactly what I am looking to do! On a form, enter all the data that will be duplicated as well as have a field that takes a range of car numbers (car #'s 200-215, 360-363, 401, 500-599, etc..). Then a button that will populate a table with the listed car numbers and the...
  19. montyb

    question about an update query

    I ran into a little problem when I used the solution you provided. While all the fields that were not the full six characters in length (I have it set up as number/long int) now show zeros in front of them..the zeros don't carry over when I run the update query to combine both the Mark and...

Part and Inventory Search
