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Search results for query: *

  1. jupiter8

    How do I achieve this report layout?

    Thank you, I wanted to be sure that this was the way to go. For all I knew there may well have been some option to turn a table control on its axis.
  2. jupiter8

    How do I achieve this report layout?

    I've only done a couple of basic reports using Reporting Services 2000 and I need to output a dataset with the columns running down the page and the rows running across the page. What is the best way to do this?
  3. jupiter8

    How to capture data on form without submit button

    Thanks that was just what I was looking for.
  4. jupiter8

    How to capture data on form without submit button

    I would appear that I could solve this problem by using the ontextchanged to fire a sub routine. But I can not see how I might add such an event to the TextBox control dynamically from the code behind page. Any Ideas
  5. jupiter8

    How to capture data on form without submit button

    I am writing a shopping basket and want to basket total to be updated everytime someone changes the quantity without having to click on a 'update basket' button. So I have made 'Autopostback' true for each quantity field. The quantity fields are added dynamically so I don't know how many there...
  6. jupiter8

    ASP.Net Session Timeout after deleting a directory

    No I'm afraid that I did not.
  7. jupiter8

    The page Title tag in Master Pages

    Ok I've just figured out that if you remove runat="servcer" from the <head> tag in the master page, then it will not render a second title tag from the content page. This suits my own requirements perfectly.
  8. jupiter8

    The page Title tag in Master Pages

    I have a dynamic site and have rendered the HTML <head> section from the master page. However the content page also renders a title tag. So the first question is can I stop this and the second question is if not, how can I ensure that the title tag is rendered as the first item in the <head>...
  9. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    Blimey I thought you had it there for a minute, but its slightly more complex because the form is being generated from a database so I don't know what form elements there will be and therefore need to do it all from the code behind. So I tried doing what you have done here and creating a lable...
  10. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    Sorry just going back to the issue at hand, do you think that it is possible to change the order of the controls in the controls collection so that the label is rendered first. I'm not bad with style sheets, but its tricky to do anything too adventurous layout wise when you are trying to...
  11. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    Still have the frustrating problem that the label is after the control and although you can manipulate the positioning with CSS, it is far from ideal
  12. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    I understand, at least I think I do, but the forms are generated on the fly from a database. I have no idea of what any given form will contain so it all has to be written out on the fly. Its an old Classic ASP app I wrote several years ago that does the same sort of thing as surveymonkey or...
  13. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    Thanks once again for your help, I was determind not to have to resort to HTML form controls and loose all the nice .Net features. While it might not be great at least there is a way forward.
  14. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    if I do this myText = New TextBox() myText.Text = "input text" myText.ID = "txt_3" myText.MaxLength = 10 myLiteral = New Literal myLiteral.Text = "<label for='" & myText.ClientID & "'>my text box</label>" FormPanel.Controls.Add(myLiteral) FormPanel.Controls.Add(myText) I get this <label...
  15. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    Yes this works and I'm very grateful for this, but I now have the issue that the label appears after the text box. I guess that the textbox must be added to the form controls collection before you can add the label. myText = New TextBox() myText.Text = "input text" myText.ID = "txt_3"...
  16. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    I tried using an ASP:Label control but that renders inside a <span> tag and not a <label> tag. Or are you suggesting adding the runat="server" tag to the HTML <label> element? Oh one further complication is that I'm trying to do this dyamically from code-behind and previously it was with your...
  17. jupiter8

    Best .net controls

    www.telerik.com great controls with great after sales support
  18. jupiter8

    How do you map HTML &lt;label&gt; to asp.net form controls

    I am adding form elements into a placeholder and as such asp.net appends info to the ID of the form control as shown below. <input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txt_3" type="text" value="some text" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txt_3" /> so when I add my HTML label, it isn't going to work...
  19. jupiter8

    Adding Controls to a Page Programmatically

    Thanks, its taken me all day to do what would have taken 10 minutes in classic ASP, but I've learnt quite a lot today. Oh there was one tiny error in your code cb = CType(cb, CheckBox) should have been cb = CType(ctl, CheckBox) Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be clever, its just any...
  20. jupiter8

    Adding Controls to a Page Programmatically

    MyRef = ctl.ID

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